10-55-7: ACTION:
   A.   Action Following A Public Hearing: Following the public hearing, the decision-making or recommending body shall take a vote to approve, conditionally approve, deny the project application, or continue the matter to a future meeting.
   B.   Continuing A Project To A Future Meeting: The decision-makers may continue a project hearing or deliberations to a future meeting, but in no case shall a period of no more than six (6) months pass from the first public hearing to the date of action.
      1.   Continuing a matter to a date and time specific shall not require mailed notices to be sent for the continued meeting unless specifically directed by the decision-makers.
      2.   Continuing a matter to a non-specified meeting date requires that the new public notices in conformance with this chapter be published and mailed.
      3.   Matter may be continued if the proponent is not present at the public hearing or if the decision-making body finds that there is inaccurate information or insufficient information from which to make a decision.
      4.   Unless otherwise determined by the decision-making or recommending body, a project which has been continued for more than six months shall be deemed withdrawn from any consideration. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)