A complete application, graphic(s), deed(s), plat map(s) and other map(s) meeting the requirements established by the decision-making body and Planning Commission shall be submitted to the City Planning and Zoning Division along with the fees and charges established by the City Council. An application shall be accompanied by proof that the person submitting the application either owns the subject property or the proponent has the consent of at least one record owner of all the land comprising the subject property.
   A.   Complete Application Required: The Planning Commission shall not accept nor schedule for hearing any application that does not contain all the required materials and supporting documentation as specified in this Title and the City's administrative procedures. No applications may be accepted for hearing if the required fees have not been submitted. If an application is incomplete, the Planning Commission may remove the application from the scheduled hearing date without concurrence of the proponent if additional information is needed and not submitted in a timely manner to allow adequate report preparation time.
   B.   Distribution Of Application: The Planning Commission shall distribute copies of the proposed project to appropriate City and public agencies, and public utilities for purposes of soliciting comments. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)