Prior to submitting an application for a Design Review Permit, a concept plan shall be submitted for review by Planning Commission or it's planning consultant. The review process will allow the Planning Commission to work with the proponent to make a complete and accurate submission for consideration to the Design Review Committee. This step will also minimize false start design costs and redesign costs for the developer. When it is determined that the concept plan meets the intent of the Land Use Regulations and site plan requirements of Section 10-46-3, application may be submitted for a Design Review Permit. Concept plans shall include a drawing prepared to scale, accurately depicting the property lines, critical lands, buildings, setbacks, paving, trees, and other site features as required in Section 10-46-3. The proposed development shall show proposed buildings, parking, landscaping, signs and building elevations. The review and clearance for a concept plan does not require notice to the public or affected entities. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)