A.   Council Action By Resolution: Following conclusion of the public hearing, the Council shall take action to adopt a resolution approving the General Plan amendment or adopt a motion to deny the amendment.
   B.   Council Findings For Approval: The City Council may approve an amendment to General Plan maps or the text of the General Plan upon substantiating the following findings:
      1.   (For changing maps:) The change in map boundaries is compatible with the appropriate policies in the General Plan.
      2.   The applicable infrastructure providing access and utility services to the subject property have adequate capacities or a suitable level of service for the use of the land affected by the map change.
      3.   The subject property when used for the permitted uses in its base zoning district will be compatible with General Plan policies.
   C.   Findings For Changes To The Regulations, Standards or Text of the General Plan: Depending on the nature of the text amendments, the Council shall also make findings associated with the proposed changes to the text. These specifically prepared findings shall encompass the following issues:
      1.   Findings shall, whenever possible, be enumerated or codified within the proposed amendment in order to provide an understanding of the Council's purpose or intentions for the amendment.
      2.   Findings for changes to the regulations, standards, or text of the General Plan are intended to list or identify the reasons the Council is approving the change. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)