A.   Planning Commission Recommendation Forwarded to Council: Following a recommendation by the Commission, the Planning Commission shall forward a copy of the recommendation to the Council with a written report or summary of the Commission's action,
   B.   Council Workshop:
      1.   Not more than thirty (30) days after the Commission's recommendation, the Planning Commission shall request agenda time at a City Council workshop to provide the Council with information about the proposed amendment.
      2.   At its workshop, the Council may accept the matter and schedule for public hearing, request additional information for the public hearing, or request additional information prior to scheduling the matter for hearing.
      3.   If a majority of the council present at the workshop has no objection, the matter shall be set for public hearing and action at a City Council meeting of the Council's selection.
      4.   Failure to hold a public hearing within one (1) year of the Commission's action shall be deemed to be a de facto denial of the application.
   C.   Report to the Council: The Planning Commission shall prepare a memorandum or written report to the Council with attachments of the Planning Commission Staff Report and any other written materials submitted at the Commission hearing. This report shall, at a minimum address the following:
      1.   The range of issues discussed at the Commission hearing that are not included in the Commission's staff report,
      2.   Any pertinent public testimony or agency comments presented at the Commission meeting,
      3.   Any other appropriate information with his report. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)