A.   Standing To Apply To Change Boundaries of a Zoning District: The following persons, groups, or officials are permitted to submit an application for a change in the boundaries of a zoning district:
      1.   The property owner or a group of property owners may apply to change the boundaries of lots of which each lot proposed for a change is represented by the signature of at least one owner on record.
      2.   An application to change the boundaries of a zoning district may be initiated by majority vote of the Planning Commission or the City Council at a public meeting without either hearing or notice;
      3.   Any person may petition the City Council to initiate an application to change the boundaries of any zoning district whether or not such petitioners are the owners of the subject property(ies) proposed for rezoning;
      4.   A request to change the boundaries of any zoning district may be proposed to the Planning Commission by the City Administration.
   B.   Standing To Apply To Amend The Language Of The Land Use Regulations: The following persons, groups, or officials are permitted to submit an application for a change in the text language, graphics, or maps of the Land Use Regulations:
      1.   Any person may apply to change the language of the Land Use Regulations by submitting an application and paying appropriate fees;
      2.   An application to change the language of the Land Use Regulations may be initiated by majority vote of the Planning Commission or the City Council at a public meeting without either hearing or notice;
      3.   Any person may petition the City Council to initiate an application to change the language of the Land Use Regulations. The City Council may require the payment of application fees by the petitioner;
      4.   A request to change the boundaries of any zoning district may be proposed to the Planning Commission by the City Administration.
   C.   Process To Initiate An Application To Amend The Land Use Regulations:
      1.   A request to initiate a change in district boundaries or the text of the Land Use Regulations shall be considered by the Planning Commission or the City Council, depending on which body received the petition, at a public meeting;
         a.   A public hearing is not required to consider the petition to initiate an amendment to the maps or text of the Land Use Regulations;
         b.   Mailed notices are not required for the public meeting on a petition to initiate an amendment;
         c.   Separate newspaper advertising other than normal meeting notices and agenda availability are not required.
      2.   The Planning Commission or City Council shall consider the petition only on the basis of whether or not to create an application for the project that will bring the matter to a public hearing. The Commission and Council shall not debate the merits of the proposed amendment;
      3.   By majority vote of members present, the Commission or Council may accept the petition as submitted, amend or modify the petition to encompass other text changes or include or exclude lands from a district boundary change, or reject the petition;
      4.   An action to accept a petition or accept a petition with modifications initiates an application for a zoning amendment and formal public hearing process and shall not be construed as an endorsement or predisposition to action on the proposal; (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)