Conditions and Modifications: In reviewing an application for a design review permit, the decision-making body may modify the project or impose conditions concerning site development, site design, and building design features to ensure conformance to applicable development and design standards, consistent with the purpose of this section. The issues that may be reviewed include and are not limited to:
   A.   Size and location of site, including all property owned by the proponent;
   B.   Streets and roads in the area;
   C.   Ingress and egress to adjoining existing and proposed public streets. Where adjoining streets are regulated by the Utah Department of Transportation, access to street(s) shall conform to the requirements of the Cache Access Management Plan;
   D.   Location and amount of off-street parking;
   E.   Internal traffic circulation system;
   F.   Pedestrian and vehicular connectivity to adjoining properties;
   G.   Fencing, screening and landscaped separations;
   H.   Building bulk and location;
   I.   Architecture design and detailing;
   J.   Usable open space and set-aside open space;
   K.   Landscaping, screening and/or buffering.
   L.   Signs and lighting;
   M.   Noise, vibration, air pollution, adverse effects of lighting, and other development factors;
   N.   Setbacks as approved or modified by the Planning Commission from the site plan in conformance with the provisions of this Title;
   O.   Existing trees, water bodies or other natural features;
   P.   Critical lands and their overlays;
   Q.   Modifications to an approved site plan and/or elevations may be approved only by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission must find that the modification substantially conforms to the Design Review Permit, and it is a change of not more than ten percent (10%) from the approved plan (i.e., for any quantitative standard, specification or condition of approval).
   R.   Clearance from the fire department. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)