10-50-5: PROCEDURES:
Design review permits are processed as follows:
   A.   A pre-application meeting with city staff is required prior to submitting an application for design review. The purpose of the meeting is to assist applicants in preliminarily identifying code requirements and issues to be addressed by the proposal.
   B.   An application for design review of single-family dwellings requires submittal of a building plan set consisting of a plot plan, floor plans, and elevations. Single family dwellings are only required to obtain a design review permit if the finished floor elevation exceeds five thousand feet (5,000') elevation or if required by a Historic Preservation District (if existing).
   C.   An application for design review on projects other than single family dwellings shall contain, at a minimum: application form(s); applicable fee(s); an existing conditions plan; site plan; preliminary grading and utilities plans; building floor plan and elevations; proposed color and materials board or samples; landscape plan; narrative description of the proposal, including any proposed variances or adjustments to city standards; and other plans, exhibits or data as specified by staff during the pre-application meeting.
   D.   Once an application for design review is accepted with required forms, fees, plans and exhibit by the City Manager or his designee, the City Manager or his designee shall review it for completeness.
   E.   Once the City Manager or his designee deems an application complete, the proposal shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)