The Commission may approve or conditionally approve a conditional use permit only upon substantiating the following findings:
   A.   The maximum density established has not been exceeded, unless a density bonus has been approved in conformance with General Plan policy and City ordinance.
   B.   The conditional use permit conforms to the requirements of Title 10 and Title 11 of the Wellsville City Code as an identified conditional use.
   C.   The use is compatible with surrounding land uses and will not interfere with the use and enjoyment of adjoining or area properties.
   D.   The streets providing access and other infrastructure to the subject property have adequate capacities or a suitable level of service for the conditional use.
   E.   The proposed use is compatible with neighborhood uses and character and preserves and enhances the character of the neighborhood.
   F.   Access to adjoining streets is designed to be constructed in conformance with City standards and specifications. Where adjoining streets are regulated by the Utah Department of Transportation, access to street(s) shall conform to the requirements of the Cache Access Management Plan.
   G.   The proposed use provides adequate off-street parking in conformance with this Title.
   H.   The project provides open space and landscaping in conformance with the General Plan and this Title. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)