A.   Location:
      1.   One (1) twenty-four (24) square foot maximum sign advertisement may be permitted on one of the two walls of the bus shelter that are perpendicular to the street. Only one perpendicular wall on the shelter can be used for signage.
      2.   Signage is permitted only at public transportation bus stop shelters located within the Commercial and Industrial zones and outside of the Historic District boundaries.
      3.   No signage is allowed on bus stop benches.
   B.   Sign Area:
      1.   Signs shall be a maximum of twenty-four (24) square feet per shelter.
      2.   Route maps and other transit-oriented information will not be counted as part of the sign area.
   C.   Sign Illumination:
      1.   Sign lighting or sign illumination is prohibited for this type of signage.
      2.   No Electronic Message Display (EMD) signs allowed at any bus stop location.
   D.   Sign Type:
      1.   Sign material shall be attached to bus shelter glass and have a 50/50 visual opacity ratio that allows bus passenger inside the shelter and bus driver to see one another.
Figure 10-40-14: Bus Shelter Signage
(Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)