Real estate signs shall be permitted for all uses, provided that signs are located outside the sight distance triangle and:
   A.   One such sign shall be allowed per parcel per street frontage;
   B.   Real estate signs shall be non-illuminated;
   C.   Real estate signs on nonresidential sites shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area and six feet (6') in height;
   D.   Real estate signs on residential lots shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area or be more than four feet (4') in height;
   E.   Such signs shall be removed within five (5) days from the date of closing or full occupancy, if leasing;
   F.   Signs shall not be placed on public property or within the public right-of-way except for open house signs detailed in subsection H. below; such off-premise signs may be removed by the City;
   G.   Real Estate Signs shall only be located on the subject property for sale. Signs which serve as a directional sign to a sale property shall be prohibited, except as provided in subsection H. of this section. Such off-premise signs may be removed by the City;
   H.   Open House Signs: In addition to a Real Estate Sign located on the subject property open house signs shall be permitted as follows:
      1.   Signs are limited to a maximum size of four (4) square feet in area and four feet (4') in height;
      2.   One open house sign may be permitted within the public right-of-way within the landscape strip at the nearest corner to direct traffic to the open house. The sign shall be placed no earlier than thirty (30) minutes before the start of the open house and shall be removed within one hour of the end of the open house; and never more than fifteen (15) consecutive hours.
      3.   Associated balloons, streamers, or attention-getting devices shall be placed on the subject property for sale only and may not cause a safety hazard;
      4.   Signs shall be on posts that are placed into the ground, sandwich board or freestanding open house signs shall not be permitted due to the potential of winds blowing the signs into the traveled way;
      5.   Not more than one open house sign may be placed on a corner;
      6.   No individual open house shall be identified by more than three signs located within the public right-of-way. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)