10-39-13: COMPLIANCE:
Landscaping compliance when it is found not to be physically possible to achieve compliance with the objectives of this chapter.
   A.   If the Planning Commission finds that site development, location of existing landscaping, or other physical factors make it physically impossible to achieve compliance with the provisions of this section, the Planning Commission may require alternative compliance that conforms to the purpose of this chapter.
   B.   Alternative compliance may include any or a combination of the following and is not limited to the alternatives specified in this subsection:
      1.   Planting of street trees and public right-of-way landscaping in the general vicinity of the subject property.
      2.   Financial contributions related to the approximate value of onsite landscaping materials and labor into a trust fund to be established for public landscaping in the neighborhood in which the subject property is located.
      3.   City approved purchase and installation of other landscape or streetscape amenities, such as and not limited to benches, lighting, public art, access paths or sidewalks.
      4.   Modification of setbacks and landscape requirements to meet the purpose of this chapter to the greatest extent possible as determined by the Planning Commission. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)