A.   Landscaping To Be Maintained in a Vigorous and Healthy Condition:
      1.   Regular maintenance of all landscaping to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance shall be required.
      2.   All landscaping shall be maintained free from disease, pests, weeds and litter.
      3.   Maintenance shall include weeding, watering, fertilizing, pruning, mowing, edging, mulching and other maintenance as needed and in accordance with acceptable horticultural practices.
   B.   Repair And Replacement Of Landscaping:
      1.   Required landscape structures (examples include and are not limited to walls, fences, curbs, planters) shall be maintained in a structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing condition.
      2.   The regular maintenance, repair, or replacement of any landscaping irrigation systems as required by this chapter.
      3.   Continuous maintenance of the site as a whole.
   C.   Aquifer Protection Areas 10-39 Landscaping Requirements: Areas of the City are designated by Code as "Aquifer Protection Areas." Landscaping within designated areas may have restrictions as to the types of plants, use of chemicals, and other standards imposed for purposes of protecting municipal groundwater quality. See this code and the Utah Division of Drinking Water R309-600 "Source Protection Regulations". (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)