A.   Onsite Parking Required: A commercial and industrial development shall be required to provide adequate parking onsite except as noted:
      1.   Within the Town Center district in Downtown Wellsville where there is no physical location for onsite parking, businesses may provide parking at offsite locations in conformance with this chapter, or businesses may contribute a proportional share of the cost of developing offsite parking, if approved.
      2.   Businesses in any zone may contract or lease offsite parking or obtain parking easements at locations conforming to the requirements of this chapter.
      3.   If a right-of-way parking permit has been obtained in conformance with the Wellsville City Code, the parking identified in the permit shall count or be part of the parking requirements of this chapter.
   B.   Location of Parking:
      1.   On-site parking must be located in the side or rear yard areas.
      2.   Legally existing non-conforming parking lots must meet current landscaping standards upon a change of use or significant change or alteration. See Sections 10-39-2 through 10-39-4.
Figure 10-38-9: Parking Lot Specifications and Dimensions
   C.   Driveway Widths: Maximum driveway width in commercial and industrial zones shall be fifty-two feet (52').
   D.   Parking Lot Design: Parking lots and parking spaces shall be designed and maintained in conformance with the standards shown in Figure 10-38-9. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)