(A)   Written applications shall be submitted in person, on forms prepared by the village, at the Mayor’s office, between January 28 and February 28 of the year in which a permit is being sought. No application will be accepted through the mail, and no advance reservations, pending submission of an application, will be taken or accepted.
   (B)   Applicant must have a valid, current business address located within the municipal corporation limits of the village. Applicants with an address located outside village corporate limits will not be considered, even though they may have members who are village residents or who have business addresses within village corporate limits.
   (C)   Applicant must include proof from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that applicant is a valid 501(c)(3) organization. Such proof typically consists of a determination letter, or ruling, issued to the organization by the I.R.S., stating that the organization qualifies under I.R.C. § 501(c)(3) to receive tax-deductible contributions.
   (D)   Applicant must submit a printed list of the names, addresses, and ages of all persons who will be participating in the Tag Day event, no later than 3:00 p.m. of the Thursday immediately preceding the day of the scheduled event.
   (E)   Applicant must complete and submit a release and indemnification form, as prepared by the village.
   (F)   All persons participating in the Tag Day event must be age 13 or older. All persons age 13 through 17, inclusive, must be accompanied by an adult at all times during the event.
   (G)   Tag Day events may only be scheduled on Saturdays, during the hours of 9:00 a.m. through 12:00 noon, beginning with the first Saturday in March and ending with the first Saturday in November, subject to the availability of such days as determined in the sole discretion of the Village Administrator.
   (H)   Applicant shall only be granted one permit per calendar year. Applications will be reviewed and considered on a first-come, first-served basis.
   (I)   Tag Day locations shall be as follows: Fifth and Main Streets, and S.R. 45 and Wells Avenue. Applicant may use one or both locations.
   (J)   Applicant must distribute a tag or other form of written receipt to all donors in return for the collection of a donation during the Tag Day event.
   (K)   A sign, bearing the name of applicant and describing the nature of the organization, and measuring no less than 24 inches by 24 inches in size, must be affixed on each barrel at each location, at all times during the Tag Day event, so that passers-by can easily read, identify, and understand the purpose(s) being represented. Each participant must utilize a barrel, which barrels shall be provided by the village.
   (L)   The permit, or a copy thereof, must be made available at the Tag Day event at each location, and shall be presented to any village official or police officer upon demand.
   (M)   Any violation of these Tag Day rules and regulations may result in refusal to grant a permit, revocation of a permit previously granted, and/or refusal to grant a permit in the next calendar year.
(Prior Code, § 118.01) (Ord. 11-2, passed 4-5-2011)