The following streets and portions of streets within the spaces as are now or may hereafter be designated as bus stops, fire plugs, or other spaces where parking is or may be prohibited, are established as parking meter zones:
Street | Side | Location |
Street | Side | Location |
Fifth Street | East | From Main Street to Riverside |
Fifth Street | West | From Maple Alley to Riverside |
Fourth Street | East | From Maple Alley to Riverside |
Fourth Street | West | From Maple Alley to Riverside |
Main Street | North | From Third Street to Seventh Street |
Main Street | South | From Third Street to Seventh Street |
Sixth Street | East | From Maple Alley to Mulberry Alley |
Sixth Street | West | From Maple Alley to Mulberry Alley |
Third Street | East | From Broadway to Riverside Avenue |
Third Street | West | From Broadway to Main Street |
(Prior Code, Ch. 77, Parking Schedules, Sch. III) (Ord. 1857, passed 10-22-1960; Ord. 68-19, passed 12-3-1968) Penalty, see § 76.99