The following special regulations shall apply to any land airport, other than a helicopter landing facility, owned and operated by a public agency.
(A) Within the air space above the approach zone to each end of a runway designed to be used for instrument landings, no building or structure shall be erected or altered to project above a plane with a slope of one vertical to 50 horizontal projected from a point 200 feet beyond the end of the runway for a distance of 10,000 feet, such plane to be in the shape of a symmetrical trapezoid 1,000 feet in width at its lowest point and 4,000 feet in width at its highest point; combined with a second plane with a slope of one vertical to 40 horizontal, extending from the upper edge of the first plane for an additional distance of 40,000 feet, such plane to be in the shape of a symmetrical trapezoid 4,000 feet in width at its lowest point and 16,000 feet in width at its highest point.
(B) Within the air space above the approach zone to each end of a runway not designed to be used for instrument landings, no building or structure shall be erected or altered to project above a plane with a slope of one vertical to 40 horizontal, projected from a point 200 feet beyond the end of the runway for a distance of 10,000 feet, such to be a symmetrical trapezoid (*) feet wide at its lowest point and (*) feet wide at its highest point.
(C) Within the established transition zones adjacent to each instrument and non-instrument runway and approach zone, no building or structure shall be erected or altered to project above a plane with a slope of one vertical to seven horizontal. Transition zones extend outward and upward from a line (*) feet on either side of the centerline on non-instrument runways for the length of such runway plus 200 feet on each end; and 500 feet on either side of the centerline of instrument runways, for the length of such runway, plus 200 feet on each end; to a height 150 feet above the elevation of the airport reference point. In addition, transition zones are established adjacent to both instrument and non-instrument approach zones which flare outward and upward symmetrically along the entire length of each approach zone to where they intersect the surfaces of the horizontal and conical zones.
(D) Within (**) feet from the established airport reference point, no building or structure shall be erected or allowed to project above a horizontal plane 150 feet above the established airport elevation. This horizontal zone does not include the approach or transition zones.
(*) The applicable distance in feet must be based on runway lengths as set forth in Section 77.27 of Part 77 of the Federal Aviation Regulations.
(**) The applicable distance in feet must be based on runway lengths as set forth in Section 77.25 of Part 77 of the Federal Aviation Regulations.
(E) Within the conical zone, which commences at the periphery of the horizontal zone and extends outward therefrom a distance of (**) feet, no building or structure shall be erected or altered to project above a plane with a slope of one vertical and to 20 horizontal.
(F) Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting the growth, construction or maintenance of any tree or structure to a height up to 20 feet above the surface of the land.
(Prior Code, § 154.52) (Ord. 95-3, passed 2-28-1995)