§ 154.058 SIGNS.
   (A)   All districts. The following signs are allowed in all districts:
      (1)   Temporary signs not exceeding 12 square feet in area advertising the sale or lease of real estate, when located upon property to which the sign refers and when not located closer than ten feet to a lot line, which signs shall be removed within 14 calendar days following sale or lease of the property;
      (2)   Temporary ground signs advertising future use or development of property on which such signs are located, subject to the provisions of this section; provided such signs do not exceed 30 square feet in area or remain longer than six months;
      (3)   “For Rent” and “For Lease” signs in commercial and industrial districts, for new buildings, shall not exceed 48 square feet or remain more than 90 days after the building is completed;
      (4)   Church or public building bulletin boards not exceeding 12 square feet in area; and
      (5)   Signs not exceeding one square foot in area and bearing only property numbers, post box numbers, or names of occupants of premises.
   (B)   RA Residential District. In the RA Residential District, there may be one wall sign attached to the building, projecting not more than 12 inches, not exceeding 25 square feet in area, and relating only to the name or use of the building.
   (C)   C-1, C-2, I-1, and I-2 Districts. In the C-1, C-2, I-1, and I-2 Districts, there may be roof signs, wall signs, projecting signs, post signs, marquee signs, and awning signs when displaying no advertising matter except pertaining to the business conducted in the building or on the premises on which such sign is placed. The total square foot area of roof signs, wall signs, projecting signs, marquee signs, and awning signs shall not exceed one-fifth of the total square foot are of the face of the building on which they are placed. There shall not be more than one post sign for each 100 feet of street frontage, and no post sign shall extend closer than ten feet to a lot line. All portions of post signs must be erected and maintained behind the building line.
   (D)   I-2 District. In the I-2 District, there may be any sign allowed in division (C) of this section and ground signs; provided that no ground sign shall exceed 400 square feet in area; not more than one ground sign shall be erected on any one lot or tract of land, or one sign for each 400 square feet of street frontage when located at least 400 feet apart on such lot or tract of land; and no ground sign when erected on a lot fronting on intersecting streets shall be erected within 50 feet of the intersection of the streets.
   (E)   Additional regulations.
      (1)   Ground signs. No ground sign shall at any point be over 25 feet above the ground level and all ground signs shall have an open space of three feet between the lower edge of such sign and the ground level, 50% of which space may be filled in with a platform and decorative lattice work of light wooden or metal construction. Every ground sign shall be stoutly constructed in secure and substantial manner. Then ends of all such signs shall be at least six feet distant from any wall or fence for any obstruction that would prevent a clear passage around the ends, and shall be at least ten feet distant from any lot line.
      (2)   Wall signs. No wall sign shall extend beyond the building more than 12 inches, or be so erected as to cover the doors or windows of any building, or otherwise prevent free ingress and egress to or from any window, door, or any fire escape of any building.
      (3)   Projecting signs. Projecting signs may extend not more than four feet six inches from the building into the front yard.
      (4)   Post signs. No post sign shall extend downward nearer than 11 feet to the ground or pavement. The maximum square foot area for each face of a post sign shall not exceed a total area of 50 square feet per face or a total of 100 square feet for all faces.
      (5)   Marquee signs. Marquees may extend eight feet into a front yard and shall be not less than 11 feet above the ground at their lowest level. A sign maybe placed upon a marquee; provided such sign does not extend more than three feet above or one foot below such marquee.
      (6)   Portable signs. Portable signs are prohibited except that there may be such portable signs in parking lots as permitted by the Zoning Administrator as, being necessary to the satisfactory operation of the lot, and except that each filling station may have one portable sign not to exceed 12 square feet total sign area, restricted solely stating the price of gasoline.
      (7)   Posters, signs, and devices prohibited. Paper posters applied directly to a wall, building, pole, or other support and letters or pictures in the form of advertising, printed or applied directly on the wall of a building, are prohibited. Temporary signs may be displayed in or attached to the inside of show or display windows; provided that the total sign area does not exceed 20% of the show or display window area. Signs or devices which, by color, location, or design, resemble or conflict with traffic control signs or devices are prohibited. No sign shall contain flashers, animators, mechanical movements, or contrivances of any kind, except clocks.
(Prior Code, § 154.43) (Ord. 95-3, passed 2-28-1995) Penalty, see § 154.999