(A)   Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the C-1 General and C-2 Central Business District:
      (1)   Any use permitted in the RA Residential District;
      (2)   An automobile sales parking lot;
      (3)   An automobile service station;
      (4)   A bank, bowling alley, or skating rink;
      (5)   A commercial garage or automobile repair shop;
      (6)   A dressmaking, tailoring, or shoe repairing shop, a shop for repair of household appliances and bicycles, a dry cleaning and pressing shop, a bakery with the sale of bakery products on the premises, and other uses of a similar character;
      (7)   A funeral home or mortuary;
      (8)   A hotel or motel;
      (9)   An office or office building;
      (10)   A personal service use, including a barber shop, a beauty parlor, a photographer’s or artist’s studio, a taxicab, newspaper or telegraphic service station, a dry cleaning receiving station, a restaurant, and other personal service uses of a similar character;
      (11)   A retail store, including a florist shop and greenhouse in connection with such store, but there shall be no slaughtering of animals or poultry on the premises of any retail store; and
      (12)   A theater, not including a drive-in theater, or an assembly hall.
   (B)   Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses in the C-1 General and C-2 Central Business Districts:
      (1)   A farm implements and agricultural service establishment, including feed and bottle gas;
      (2)   A lumber yard;
      (3)   A residence, when located on the second story or above;
      (4)   A veterinarian, animal hospital, or kennel;
      (5)   A truck or bus terminal;
      (6)   A used car, trailer or boat sales, or storage lot; and
      (7)   An adult entertainment business with the following provisions:
         (a)   No adult entertainment business shall be permitted in a location which is within 1,500 feet of another adult entertainment business;
         (b)   No adult entertainment business shall be permitted in a location which is within 1,000 feet of any church, any public or private school, any park, any playground, or any social services facility or neighborhood center;
         (c)   No adult entertainment business shall be permitted in a location which is within 500 feet of any residence or boundary of any residential district; and
         (d)   No adult entertainment business shall be permitted in a location which is within 200 feet of any boundary of any residential district in a local unit of government abutting the village.
(Prior Code, § 154.35) (Ord. 95-3, passed 2-28-1995)