(A)   Street standards for acceptance.
      (1)   The village shall classify streets in the following classes on the date of submission of the plat for conditional approval:
         (a)   Class A: Arterial streets and highways;
         (b)   Class B: The main streets in a subdivision which normally act as collectors, by which traffic from minor streets reaches arterial streets or highways; and
         (c)   Class C: Minor residential streets.
      (2)   The following maximum or minimum conditions shall apply to the streets as classified by the village:
Right-of-Way Width
Pavement Width
Paving Material
See divisions (B)(1) or (B)(2)
See divisions (B)(1) or (B)(2)
See divisions (B)(1) or (B)(2)
Maxim Slope
Minimum Slope
   (B)   Pavement. The paving material for all classes of roadways shall be:
      (1) Reinforced Portland cement concrete in accordance with Item 450 of the January 1, 1973 edition of the Ohio Department of Transportation Specifications. The base for such concrete shall be in accordance with Item 300 of the Ohio Department of Transportation Specifications; and
      (2)   Asphaltic concrete in accordance with Item 400 of the Ohio Department of Transportation Specifications. The base for such asphaltic concrete shall be in accordance with Item 300.
   (C)   Curbing. Curbing where required shall be in accordance with Item 609 of the Ohio Department of Transportation Specifications. The base for this type of curbing shall be T-35 asphaltic concrete wearing surface widened one and one-half feet on both sides of the street.
   (D)   Sanitary sewers. Where public sanitary sewer facilities are accessible, the subdivider shall install all necessary mains, laterals, manholes, and house connections as shown on the approved plat. If manholes are of brick construction, they shall be plastered with Portland cement mortar on the inside and the outside. Pipe shall be laid to the line and grade as shown on the plan. Joints shall be of such a type and laid in such a manner as to prevent infiltration of ground water. If on-lot disposal is necessary, the subdivider shall strictly adhere to the requirements of the County and State Departments of Health.
   (E)   Water supply. If a public water supply is available, the subdivider shall install the mains, house connections, and fire hydrants as shown on the approved plat. If the water supply is from wells, the quality of the water shall be certified by the State or County Health Officer.
   (F)   Storm sewers. Since conditions vary in different subdivisions, it is not possible to strictly define the requirements for the control of storm water. Size of pipe, location, and disposition of the water will be specified by the village at the time the preliminary plat is considered for approval.
   (G)   Inspection.
      (1)   The Village Engineer shall act as inspector to ensure that all construction work concerning subgrade, base, and pavement is prepared and built according to plans and specifications. The village will require from the subdivider delivery slips indicating the amount of materials placed in base courses and pavements. The Village Engineer will also act as consultant in matters covered by division (F) of this section.
      (2)   To finance the cost of such inspection work, the subdivider shall pay $5 for each lot in each subdivision as a fee for the approval and acceptance of all plats.
   (H)   Lot sizes. No lot shall be smaller than 4,800 square feet in area. If public water and sanitary sewer service are not available, the lot shall not be smaller than 12,000 square feet.
   (I)   Dead-end street. Any dead-end street must have a turn-around with a minimum diameter to the property line of 100 feet.
   (J)   Fire hydrants. Fire hydrants shall be of a type approved by the Fire Chief and shall be placed at least every 600 feet on platted streets.
   (K)   Easements. Easements shall be provided for utilities, where required, along rear or side lot lines and shall be at least ten feet in width.
   (L)   Reserve strips. Reserve strips are prohibited except when the control is vested in the village under conditions approved by the village.
(Prior Code, § 153.03) (Ord. 95-3, passed 2-28-1995)