A.   No person sixteen (16) years of age or older may operate an off highway vehicle on any land, trail, street, or highway designated for open off highway vehicle use unless the person possesses:
      1.   A valid motor vehicle operator's license, as provided by Nevada law or a safety instruction certificate from a valid program authorized for safety instruction by the manufacturer of the off highway vehicle; and
      2.   Concerning off highway vehicles which are off highway vehicles as defined by Nevada Revised Statutes 490.060, a certificate of operation attached to the vehicle as required by Nevada Revised Statutes 490.080.
   B.   No person under the age of sixteen (16) may operate an off highway vehicle on any land, trail, street or highway designated for open off highway vehicle use.
   C.   Any person convicted of a violation of subsection A or B of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) for each offense.
   D.   It is a defense to a charge under subsection A of this section if the person charged produces, at or before the time of trial, a license or an appropriate safety certificate issued to him or her and valid at the time of his or her alleged operation. (Ord. 213, 11-12-2008)