A.   The entire incorporated area of the city is hereby declared to be and is hereby established as a fire district and said fire district shall be known and designated as fire zones 1, 2, and 3, and each such zone shall include such territory or portions of said city as illustrated, outlined and designated on a certain map on file in the office of the city clerk being marked and designated as "Fire Zones Of The City Of Wells", which is hereby adopted as the fire zoning map of the city for the application of the regulations included in the building code, short form, 1955 edition, published by Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference.
   B.   The map entitled "Fire Zones Of The City Of Wells" shall be adopted by resolution of the board of councilmen prior to the filing in the office of the city clerk, and changes in zone limits may be established by resolution of the board of councilmen whenever in its opinion a change is meritorious and in conformity with the orderly development of land use in the city. Any such resolution shall be in the form adopting a revised map designated as "Fire Zones Of The City Of Wells" and each such map shall bear the date of the resolution adopting same. Resolutions to adopt a revised map designated as "Fire Zones Of The City Of Wells" may be introduced at any regular meeting of the board of councilmen, but final action thereupon shall not be taken until the next regular meeting and copy of the revised map designated "Fire Zones Of The City Of Wells" shall be available to public inspection at all times during regular office hours of the city at the city office to and including the date of the meeting at which said final action will be taken, and notice that the board of councilmen will take final action upon any and all such resolutions shall be posted at the city office at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of the meeting at which said final action will be taken. (Ord. 42, 7-10-1956)