A.   Every licensee shall require and ensure that the rules and regulations now in force or hereafter promulgated by the division of health of the department of human resources of the state of Nevada are complied with and that medical examinations are undergone by all prostitutes working at the licensee’s operation, which examinations shall:
      1.   Be performed at least once a week. These medical examinations must be completed and the examination results available by each Friday of the week prior to medical exam record checks being conducted by the police department.
      2.   Be performed by or under the supervision of a physician licensed to practice medicine in the state, or by a physician’s assistant or registered nurse under the authority of a physician licensed to practice medicine in the state, or an advanced practice registered nurse, nurse practitioner, licensed in the state or doctor of osteopathy duly licensed to practice medicine in the state.
      3.   Include all tests specified by the division of health of the Nevada department of human resources for the detection and diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases including, but not limited to, weekly tests for gonorrhea and chlamydia and a monthly blood test for syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which shall be processed at a licensed and approved clinical laboratory.
      4.   Include monthly tests approved by the division of health of the department of human resources of the state for the detection of HIV. Appropriate specimens are to be submitted to and processed at a licensed and approved medical laboratory.
      5.   Include other medically approved tests, deemed advisable by the physician licensed to practice medicine in the state, or by a physician’s assistant or registered nurse under the authority of a physician licensed to practice medicine in the state, or an advanced practice registered nurse, nurse practitioner, licensed in the state, for determining whether the prostitute is afflicted with any infectious or contagious disease.
      6.   Be performed at the location of the licensed operation, at the physician’s or advanced practice nurse, nurse practitioner’s office, at a hospital or clinic, as determined by the physician licensed to practice medicine in the state, or by a physician’s assistant or registered nurse under the authority of a physician licensed to practice medicine in the state, or an advanced practice registered nurse, nurse practitioner, licensed in the state.
      7.   Consistent with NAC 441A.120(2), no person may work as a prostitute in a licensed house of prostitution until a state licensed and approved medical laboratory has reported that the results of the tests required by NAC 441A800 et seq., do not show the presence of chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, or the antibody to the human immunodeficiency virus. In effect, no prostitutes will be allowed to work (perform sexual acts with another person) on the premises until they have been cleared by a physician licensed to practice medicine in the state, or by a physician’s assistant or registered nurse under the authority of a physician licensed to practice medicine in the state, or an advanced practice registered nurse, nurse practitioner, licensed in the state, to work.
      8.   If any prostitute’s test results are positive, the prostitute must be removed from the brothel floor immediately and her work card turned over to a representative of the police department. The prostitute must wait at the brothel until contact is made by the state health department or its designee. This contact may be made in person or by telephone. Once contact is complete, the prostitute may then leave the premises of the brothel. If the prostitute chooses to stay, she will remain off the floor, which includes the bar area, and not engage in any type of sexual activity until a clearance to return to work has been received from the physician licensed to practice medicine in the state, or by a physician’s assistant or registered nurse under the authority of a physician licensed to practice medicine in the state, or an advanced practice registered nurse, nurse practitioner, licensed in the state, and presented to the police department.
      9.   The owner/management or key employee of the brothel is required to notify the police department when a prostitute leaves the brothel on vacation. (Any period in excess of 48 hours is considered vacation.) Prior to returning to work from vacation, the prostitute must get a medical exam, clearance from a physician licensed to practice medicine in the state, or by a physician’s assistant or registered nurse under the authority of a physician licensed to practice medicine in the state, or an advanced practice registered nurse, nurse practitioner, licensed in the state, and cleared to go to work by the Wells police department.
   B.   After performing the examination required in subsection A of this section, the examining doctor shall:
      1.   Issue to every person examined and found not to be afflicted with a sexually transmitted disease or other contagious or infectious disease, a certificate so stating.
      2.   Refuse to issue such certificate to any person found to be, or suspected of being, afflicted with a sexually transmitted disease or other contagious or infectious disease.
      3.   Report the results of such examinations weekly to the chief of police or his designee.
      4.   If any prostitute examined is found to be afflicted with a sexually transmitted disease or any contagious or infectious disease that creates a health hazard, the doctor shall immediately notify the chief of police or his designee and the licensed operator where the prostitute is working, of such condition.
   C.   No person may work as a prostitute in any operation without a current certificate, as described in subsection B1 of this section.
   D.   No person who has ever been denied a certificate by an examining physician licensed to practice medicine in the state, or by a physician’s assistant or registered nurse under the authority of a physician licensed to practice medicine in the state, or an advanced practice registered nurse, nurse practitioner, licensed in the state, or doctor of osteopathy, as provided in subsection B2 of this section, may again work as a prostitute in any licensed operation until such person has received and presented to the chief of police or his designee a certificate from an examining physician licensed to practice medicine in the state, or by a physician’s assistant or registered nurse under the authority of a physician licensed to practice medicine in the state, or an advanced practice registered nurse, nurse practitioner, licensed in the state, or doctor of osteopathy stating that the cause or causes which resulted in the denial of the certificate have been cured and that the person is now free of any sexually transmitted disease or other contagious or infectious diseases.
   E.   Nothing contained in subsections A through E inclusive of this section shall prevent the board on its own motion or upon complaints or reports from any person, from inquiring into the existence of any condition on the premises of any licensed operation which might constitute or cause a health hazard. (Ord. 192, 6-26-2001; amd. Ord. 242, 8-22-2023)