No person shall keep or harbor a dog:
   (A)   That barks or cries continuously for 5 minutes or more without any pauses or interruptions longer than 1 minute in duration; such barking must also be audible off the owner’s or caretaker’s property;
   (B)   That at any time has attacked or bitten a person outside the owner’s premise;
   (C)   That at any time has destroyed property or habitually trespassed in a damaging manner on property of person other than owner; and/or
   (D)   That is dangerous or shows vicious habits, or molests pedestrians, or interferes with the driving of automobiles on a public street, highway, or alley.
   (E)   Any animals kept contrary to this section are hereby declared a public nuisance and may be abated according to the law.
(Ord. 90.26, passed 5-13-2013)