(A)   Office created. The Office of Town Administrator is hereby created. The Office of Town Administrator is a full-time position, whose duties and responsibilities may not be held or exercised by a part-time Town Administrator unless explicitly conferred by the Board.
   (B)   Appointment. The Board may appoint a full-time Town Administrator, who shall be the administrative head of the town government. He or she shall be supervised by the Board and shall be responsible for the administration of all town offices, positions and departments. He or she shall be appointed with regard to merit only and it is preferred, but not required, that he or she be a resident of the town when appointed. He or she shall hold office during the pleasure of the Board, and shall receive compensation as it may fix.
   (C)   Duties generally. The Town Administrator shall:
      (1)   Keep himself or herself informed as to the town's business;
      (2)   Have general supervision over and control of all employees of the town government;
      (3)   Have supervision over and control of the several departments or officers of the town government;
      (4)   Make a recommendation as he or she deems necessary or expedient to the Board;
      (5)   Supply the Board with necessary information respecting any of the several departments under his or her control;
      (6)   Make a monthly report to the Board relative to the condition of the town's finances and the operation of the town government for the preceding month; and
      (7)   Do other and further acts as the Board may require.
      (8)   Perform the duties of Town Treasurer and Town Accountant.
   (D)   In the event of a vacancy. When the position of Town Administrator is vacant, the Mayor shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Town Administrator until the vacancy is filled.
(Ord. passed 3-9-2009)