Upon and within lots in all residential districts and for dwelling units in all districts, the following shall apply:
   A.   Interior Lots And Corner Lots: Solid or closed, nonvision fences to a height of thirty six inches (36"), or open vision type fences to a height of forty eight inches (48"), may be built from the front of the building unit to and including the front property line. Such fences to a height of ninety six inches (96") may be built from the front of the dwelling unit to and including the rear property line. Fences exceeding ninety six inches (96") in height shall be permitted only upon issuance of a conditional use permit to the landowner. (Ord. 1173, 8-8-2005)
   B.   Nonconforming Fences: Where there is a nonconforming fence in existence, it may be kept if maintained in a state of good repair. If such an existing fence has been out of use for six (6) months or longer, it shall not be repaired but shall be removed as required in subsection 10-3-3E of this code for nonconforming land use.
   C.   B-1 Zone: In the B-1 zone, barbed wire and netting wire may be permitted where the provisions of the city allow livestock to graze. (Ord. 876, 6-12-1978)