The Board of Health shall have power and authority to enter any premises in the city in search of contagious diseases or of nuisances, and shall have power and authority to quarantine any premises within the city, wherein is located any person suffering with an infectious or contagious disease, and may remove any person therefrom who is found to be suffering from, suspected to be suffering from, or has been exposed to any infectious or contagious disease, and said Board may placard the said premises, as aforesaid with the placard of such design and color as shall warn all persons within said premises not to leave the same, and all other persons whomever not to enter said premises without the written consent of a member of the Board of Health; every physician practicing in the corporate limits of the city shall immediately report by telephone, or otherwise, to the Health Officer every case of contagious disease or infectious disease arising in his or her practice, and shall also report the suspects to be contagious, and said physician shall within 24 hours after thereafter make a written report to the Board of Health upon the termination of said disease, and any person violating this chapter, or violating the order of the Board of Health, shall upon conviction thereof be subject to the penalties in this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-2) Penalty, see § 10.99