The general duties of the Code Enforcement Officer shall be, but are not limited to, the following:
   (A)   To respond to complaints from the public or other city departments and initiate code enforcement action;
   (B)   Investigate alleged violations, perform inspections, conduct interviews, document and photograph evidence, and contact responsible party; issue notice of ordinance violations and administrative citations; enforce any administrative and judicial remedies; and perform follow-up investigations and ensure remedial action has been taken. The Code Enforcement Officer may be required to seek an administrative inspection warrant pursuant to the procedures provided for in the state  codified laws;
   (C)   Assist departments with the abatement of violations; provide surveillance, coordinate investigation, and code enforcement activities between departments and municipalities;
   (D)   Recommend changes to policies, procedures, and ordinances as needed where deficiencies are discovered during the administrative and judicial process;
   (E)   Appear as a witness at administrative hearings and judicial proceedings;
   (F)   Maintain a permanent record of all code enforcement activities, including copies of correspondence, notifications, investigative reports, and administrative citations. Prepare and submit statistical reports as required; and
   (G)   Perform other such duties and functions as are necessary or incidental to the proper performance of this position.
(Prior Code, § 6-16-4)