(A)   The village establishes Parking Lot #1, consisting of the property located on the west side of South Main more particularly described as: “Lot 26 Village of Webberville.”
   (B)   The village establishes Parking Lot #2, consisting of the property located on the east side of North Main more particularly described as: “N 42 FT OF LOT 132, & N 52 FT OF LOT 133 MCPHERSON’S PLAT, VILLAGE OF WEBBERVILLE. ALSO, COMM AT NW COR LOT 133, MCPHERSON’S PLAT, VILLAGE OF WEBBERVILLE, -N 28 FT, -E 132 FT, -S 28 FT, -W 132 FT TO POB, VILLAGE OF WEBBERVILLE,” and also “Part of a parcel in the Village of Webberville, Ingham County, MI commencing at the North West corner of Lot 133 of McPherson’s Plat Village of Webberville, thence North 28 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described, thence North 38 feet, East 132 feet, South 38 feet, West 132 feet to the point of beginning.”
   (C)   Each parking lot shall be considered public property in the village and subject to the enforcement of all provisions of the Michigan Motor Vehicle Code and village ordinances applicable to that property.
   (D)   Each parking lot shall be closed to all persons except for the purpose of parking motor vehicles for the times designated by the posting of signs or other approved markings consistent with the village parking ordinance.
   (E)   No person or persons may loiter, congregate, or assemble at any time in any parking lot so as to interfere with the free flow of vehicle traffic, the peace and quiet of individuals lawfully using the parking lot, or so as to disturb the peace and quiet of any adjoining property owner.
   (F)   Any violation of divisions (D) and (E) above shall constitute a civil infraction and be punishable as other municipal and civil infractions in the village.
(Ord. 159, passed 4-16-2001; Ord. 225, passed 7-9-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99