(A)   Authorization. The intent of planned unit developments is to allow flexibility in zoning approvals, in order to ensure high-quality development. Under a planned unit development, the village may waive any zoning provision, but, in exchange, may require improvements above and beyond the zoning requirements. A planned unit development agreement shall be agreed upon by the applicant and the village, and shall become the governing zoning document for the lot(s) in question. Planned unit developments may be approved in any zoning district.
   (B)   Objectives. The following objectives shall be considered in reviewing any application for a planned unit development:
      (1)   To provide a more desirable living environment by preserving the natural character of open fields, stands of trees, brooks, ponds, floodplains, hills, and similar natural assets.
      (2)   To encourage the provision of open space and the development of recreational facilities within new development.
      (3)   To encourage developers to use a more creative and imaginative approach in the design of new development.
      (4)   To provide for more efficient and aesthetic use of open areas by allowing the developer to reduce development costs through the bypassing of natural obstacles.
      (5)   To encourage variety in the physical development pattern of the village by providing a mixture of building types.
   (C)   Qualifying conditions. Any application for a planned unit development shall meet the following conditions to qualify for consideration as a planned unit development.
      (1)   The planned unit development site shall be under the control of one owner or group of owners, and shall be capable of being planned and developed as one integral unit.
      (2)   Public water and sewer facilities shall be available or shall be provided as part of the site development.
      (3)   The proposed planned unit development shall meet the standards for the approval of special land uses in § 153.115(C)(1).
   (D)   Uses that may be permitted. Any use may be permitted in a planned unit development. The permitted uses within the PUD shall be explicitly stated in the PUD agreement. The village retains the right to deny a planned unit development based on a finding that the proposed uses are inappropriate with the surroundings. The village may also require that some uses be removed from a mixed-use PUD prior to approval.
   (E)   Approval procedure. The procedure for approving planned unit developments shall be as follows:
      (1)   Preliminary staff review meeting. The Zoning Administrator, Village Planner, and Village Engineer, and other village officials as necessary shall meet with the applicant for PUD approval and shall develop a mutually agreeable draft PUD agreement. The draft PUD agreement shall include a site plan meeting the requirements of § 153.087.
      (2)   Planning Commission review and hearing. The site plan and draft PUD agreement, along with all required information, shall be transmitted to the Planning Commission for review. The Planning Commission may appoint a special committee to review the application and make recommendations relative thereto. After review, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing after at least one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the village at least 15 days prior to the date of the hearing. The notice shall indicate the place, time, and purpose of the hearing.
      (3)   Planning Commission recommendation. Following the public hearing provided for above, the Planning Commission shall consider the PUD application. This may take place at the same meeting as the public hearing. The Planning Commission thereupon shall recommend approval or denial of the application to the Village Council or refer the application elsewhere for further study.
      (4)   Village Council approval or denial. Following the Planning Commission action provided for above, the Village Council shall consider the PUD application at its next regular meeting. The Village Council thereupon shall approve or disapprove the application. No PUD approval shall be issued by the Village Clerk unless the same shall have been approved by the Village Council.
(Ord. 230, passed 12-9-2014; Ord., passed 8-10-2021)