(A) Intent and purpose. The Highway Commercial District is designed to provide services and accommodations to motorists and for certain specialized commercial uses, which require direct access to motor vehicle traffic and generate a large volume of traffic. It is the purpose of these regulations in this district to recognize the value of preserving a central business district in the village while encouraging the development of compatible business uses in the Highway Commercial District which generate traffic of a nature inappropriate to the Local or General Business Districts.
(B) Uses permitted by right.
(1) All uses permitted by right in the B-1 and/or B-2 districts.
(3) Wind energy facilities, when accessory to a permitted use or approved special use and designed to provide electricity primarily to the lot they are located on, subject to the standards in § 153.129.
(4) Drive-throughs for food service, banking, or other product or service, provided that the standards of § 153.132 are met.
(6) Hotels and motels, such as motor hotel, hotel, and transient lodging facilities (but not including trailer camps or tent sites), including "Bed and Breakfasts."
(7) Self-storage facilities.
(8) Outdoor display. Provided that the goods to be sold are clearly labeled with a sign, of at least six square feet, stating that the item is available for purchase.
(C) Uses permitted by special use permit. The following uses of land and structures may be permitted in any Highway Commercial District upon the application for and issuance of a special use permit, when all the procedural requirements specified in § 153.115 are satisfied, together with any applicable requirements as outlined in the particular section cited:
(2) Travel trailer parks, recreational vehicle campgrounds. Provided the further requirements of § 153.121(E) are followed.
(3) Parking lots on lots with no other uses.
(4) Wind energy facilities, when accessory to a residential use and designed to provide electricity primarily to the lot they are located on, subject to the standards in § 153.129.
(6) Manufacturing and processing establishments selling their entire output at retail on the premises, provided that no more than five persons shall be employed at any time in the publication, repair, and other processing of goods.
(7) Kennels.
(9) Open air business uses, such as retail sales of plant material not grown on the site, sales of lawn furniture, playground equipment, and garden supplies.
(11) Adult entertainment establishments, provided the conditions and requirements set forth in § 153.125(B)(4) are met.
(12) Extractive uses, provided that the standards of § 153.134 are met and the Planning Commission determines that off-site negative impacts will be minimal.
(13) Marijuana provisioning centers, provided that they are licensed by the State of Michigan under Public Act 281 of 2016 (commercial scale medical marijuana) and/or Initiated Law 1 of 2018 (adult use marijuana) and that the standards of § 153.135 are met.
(D) Site development requirements.
(1) General use requirements. No use in this district shall produce any noise, objectionable odors, smoke fumes, heat, glare or vibration at or beyond the lot line so as to be detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the village.
(2) Signs. Signs identifying any of the permitted uses within this district shall be in accordance with the requirements as specified in § 153.083.
(4) Location. The proposed site shall have at least one property line on a major thoroughfare.
(5) Driveways. No site shall have more than two drives. Drives shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide and the middle of the drive shall not be located within 150 feet from the center line of an existing drive.
(6) Area and bulk requirements. See § 153.066, Schedule of Regulations limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, the maximum density permitted and providing minimum yard setback requirements.
(Ord. 103, passed 5-5-1986; Ord. 219, passed 3-11-2013; Ord. 230, passed 12-9-2014; Ord., passed 8-10-2021; Res., passed 3-25-2024)