(A)   All structures shall constitute developed property and shall have a property address number posted on the face or other appropriate side of the structure in a manner and location so that the number is clearly and readily observable from the adjacent roadway by a person of normal vision.
   (B)   Every mobile home shall have an individual property address number at least three inches in height posted on the side of the mobile home facing the access road. The owner of the mobile home park shall be responsible for assigning all the property address numbers.
   (C)   In the event a structure is located on the property so that the posted numbers are not clearly observable from the roadway, due to distance or intervening sight barriers, the property address number shall also be posted separate from the main structure in a fashion that makes the number clearly observable from the adjacent roadway. These numbers shall be located either centrally between the side boundaries of the property or located immediately adjacent to the driveways providing ingress to the property, and on the same side of the adjacent roadway as the property it identifies.
   (D)   Property address numbers shall be not less than three inches in height. In the event a structure is located more than 90 feet from the centerline of the traveled portion of the adjacent roadway, the property address number shall be not less than six inches in height, and a size sufficiently large so that the numbers are observable from the centerline of the adjacent roadway by a person of normal vision.
   (E)   The color of the numbers shall be in contrast with the immediate background on which they are mounted.
   (F)   In the case of structures having multiple units, either business or residential, the property address numbers shall be clearly indicated at each entrance to every unit accessible through the entrance.
   (G)   Property address numbers of all structures used for commercial or industrial purposes connected to other buildings and which require a different route of access to the rear than to the front, shall have the correct number placed on or immediately adjacent to the rear entrance door. The numbers shall not be less than three nor more than six inches in height, and may consist of standard manufactured letters or numerals. If painted on the building or door, all numbers shall be applied with standard type numeral and letter stencil. The number shall be placed as to be plainly visible and observable from the alley, service drive, easement, parking lot, or any other rear access.
(Ord. 128, passed 7-6-1992) Penalty, see § 95.99