(A)   The registered owner may contest the fact that the vehicle has been deemed abandoned or the reasonableness of the towing fees and daily storage fees by requesting a hearing.
   (B)   A request for a hearing shall be made by filing a petition with the 55th District Court within 20 days after the date of the notice.
      (1)   If the owner requests a hearing, the matter shall be resolved after a hearing conducted in the 55th District Court, that substantially conforms to M.C.L.A. §§ 257.252e and 257.252f.
      (2)   The owner of the vehicle who requests a hearing may obtain release of the vehicle by paying the towing and storage fees or by posting a bond with the Court equal to the towing and storage fees.
      (3)   If the Court determines that the vehicle was not properly abandoned, the police agency shall reimburse the owner of the vehicle for the accrued towing and storage fees within a reasonable time.
      (4)   If the owner does not request a hearing, release of the vehicle may be obtained by paying the accrued charges to the custodian of the vehicle.
      (5)   If the owner does not redeem the vehicle or request a hearing within 20 days after the date of the notice, a secured party may obtain the release of the vehicle by paying the accrued charges to the custodian of the vehicle and the police agency for its accrued costs.
(Ord. 149, passed 6-1-1998)