(A)   Restriction; hours; conduct. Every person to whom a license to peddle or solicit, and every canvasser, shall be governed by the following rules and regulations.
      (1)   No person subject to the provisions of this chapter shall peddle, solicit, or canvass except between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday; nor shall such person peddle, solicit, or canvass on Sunday or any legal state or federal holiday.
      (2)   No peddler, solicitor, or canvasser shall enter or attempt to enter a residence, house, apartment, or other dwelling in the village without an express invitation from an adult occupant of the residence, house, apartment, or other dwelling.
      (3)   No peddler or solicitor shall engage in any peddling or solicitation other than that specified in the license application.
      (4)   No peddler, solicitor, or canvasser shall by any device make unlawful noises, nor shall any peddler, solicitor, or canvasser remain at the residence, house, apartment, or other dwelling in the village without the consent of an adult occupant of the residence, house, apartment, or other dwelling in the village.
   (B)   Resident prohibition by notice. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, no peddler, solicitor, or canvasser, while peddling, soliciting, or canvassing, shall call upon, knock at the door, or ring the doorbell of any residence, house, apartment, or other dwelling in the village upon which there is posted at the entrance a notice which reads “No Peddlers, Solicitors, or Canvassers on the Premises,” or other similar language, unless such peddler, solicitor, or canvasser has previously been invited upon the premises by the owner, lessee, or an adult occupant thereof.
(Ord. 2017-016, passed 3-20-2017)