(A)   The Finance Director shall be the fiscal officer of the Municipality. The Finance Director shall advise the Manager and the Council concerning the financial condition of the Municipality; shall collect all money due and payable to the Municipality and shall be the custodian of all public money of the Municipality; shall disburse the same as may be required by law or ordinance; shall render statements to and receive payments from the customers of the utilities operated by the Municipality; and shall administer and collect all taxes levied by the Municipality, except those taxes where the laws of the State of Ohio require a County or State official to administer and collect the tax. This section shall not be construed to prevent the Council from entering into or authorizing contracts with other municipal corporations, the State of Ohio or its political subdivisions, or private persons, firms or corporations, for the rendering of statements to and receipt of payments from customers of utilities operated by the Municipality or for the administration and collection of taxes. The Finance Director shall assist the Manager in the preparation and submission of appropriation measures, estimates, budgets and other financial matters. The Finance Director shall perform all other duties now or hereafter imposed on municipal auditors and treasurers under the laws of the State of Ohio and shall perform such other duties, consistent with this office, as may be required by this Charter, by ordinance or resolution of Council, or as requested by the Manager.
   (B)   The Finance Director shall prepare annual financial and other reports required by law and shall make periodic reports concerning appropriations, encumbrances and expenditures of the departments, divisions, boards and commissions as may be required by the Council or requested by the Manager, and make available to the public, a complete report on the finances of the Municipality as of the end of each fiscal year.
(Amendments approved 11-7-2000)