The Manager shall be the chief executive and administrative officer of the Municipality and shall be responsible to the Council for the administration of all municipal affairs designated by or assigned under this Charter, the ordinances and resolutions of the Municipality and State laws. The Manager shall have the following powers and duties:
   (A)   The Manager shall appoint, supervise, evaluate and, when he/she deems it necessary, suspend or remove or otherwise discipline all municipal employees and appointed administrative officers, according to the Personnel Policy of the Municipality, or as provided for by or under this Charter. The Manager shall formulate, update or maintain all job descriptions for all municipal employees. The Manager may authorize any administrative officer who is subject to his/her direction and supervision to exercise these powers with respect to subordinates in that officer’s department, office or agency.
   (B)   The Manager shall direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices and agencies of the Municipality, except as otherwise provided by this Charter.
   (C)   The Manager shall attend all Council meetings unless excused by Council and shall have the right to take part in discussion but may not vote.
   (D)   The Manager shall see that all laws, provisions of this Charter and ordinances and resolutions of the Council, subject to enforcement by the Manager or by officers subject to his/her direction and supervision, are faithfully executed.
   (E)   The Manager shall prepare and submit the annual budget, appropriation ordinance and capital program to the Council.
      (1)   Capital program submission to Council. The Manager shall prepare and submit to the Council a five year capital program at least one month prior to the final date for submission of the budget to the Council.
      (2)   Contents. The capital program shall include the following:
         (a)   A clear, general summary of its contents.
         (b)   A list of all capital improvements which are proposed to be undertaken during the five fiscal years next ensuing, with appropriate supporting information as to the necessity for such improvements.
         (c)   The cost estimates, methods of financing and recommended time schedules for each improvement.
         (d)   The estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the facilities to be constructed or acquired.
The above information may be revised by the Manager and extended each year with regard to capital improvements still pending or in process of construction or acquisition.
      (3)   Adoption by Council. The Council by resolution, shall adopt the capital program with or without amendment prior to adoption of the budget.
      (4)   Council shall be responsible for organizing the special notification of Village residents of a hearing at which Council shall advise the village residents of the scope and detail of any and all capital projects in excess of $2,000,000.00. The purchase of real estate is exempted from the above hearing. The hearing shall be held in a timely manner relative to the planning of the above capital projects. The purpose of this hearing is to better inform the Village residents regarding any suggested or planned major capital projects and to inform Council of the “Opinion of the Village” on the matter. Council shall be prepared to cover the following in this meeting.
         (a)   General scope and detail of the project.
         (b)   Total estimated cost.
         (c)   Time frame for completion.
         (d)   Funding plans and impact on taxes.
The hearing shall be advertised at four prominent locations around the village at least forty eight hours prior to the meeting. This short presentation shall cover points 1-4 above.
   (F)   The Manager shall submit to Council and make available to the public a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the Municipality as of the end of each fiscal year or by March 31.
   (G)   The Manager shall keep the Council fully advised as to the financial condition and future operating and capital needs of the Municipality and make such recommendations to the Council concerning the affairs of the Municipality as he/she or Council deems necessary.
   (H)   The Manager shall make such other reports as the Council may require concerning the operation of municipal departments, offices, boards, commissions and agencies subject to his/her direction and supervision.
   (I)   The Manager shall require reports and information of subordinate officers and employees of the Municipality as seems necessary in the orderly operation of the Municipality, or when requested to do so by the Council or any board or commission of the Municipality.
   (J)    The Manager shall be the contracting officer of the Municipality and shall award and execute contracts and agreements on behalf of the Municipality in the manner and under the following procedures as required by this Charter:
      (1)   When the expenditure of funds for the purchase of supplies or materials, or to provide labor for any work to be performed under a contract exceeds the amount specified by an act of Council for which such purchases or work may be accomplished without advertisement and competitive bidding, such expenditure shall first be authorized and directed by ordinance passed by the Council. The Manager may award a written contract to the lowest and best bidder after advertisement on the same day of each week for not less than two nor more than four consecutive weeks in a newspaper determined by the Council to be of circulation within the Municipality.
      (2)   Compensation of persons and employees; contracts with persons, firms or corporations for services requiring specialized skill, knowledge, or training; and expenditures required because of a real and present emergency arising in connection with the purchase, lease, construction, maintenance, operation or repair of municipal buildings, equipment and facilities, and municipal services, when previously authorized, need not be advertised and notices need not be published as provided herein above.
      (3)   Modifications and changes in excess of the amount as designated by Council made to contracts shall first be authorized by ordinance.
      (4)   The Manager may designate an administrative officer or employee of the Municipality to act as purchasing agent to award and execute contracts, orders, or agreements on behalf of the Municipality, when such contracts, orders or agreements do not authorize an expenditure of money in excess of the amount as designated by Council.
      (5)   The Manager or any other person designated by him/her as purchasing agent shall not willfully cause or allow any contract or order to be split or divided into separate orders or contracts in order to avoid the requirements above, or the requirements of competitive bidding as provided by this Charter.
   (K)   The Manager shall execute on behalf of the Municipality all contracts and agreements, except as otherwise hereinabove provided by paragraph (J) of this section regarding the designation of a purchasing agent, conveyances evidences of indebtedness and other instruments to which the Municipality is a party.
   (L)   The Manager shall hold no elected position within the Municipality, nor serve as Law Director or Finance Director.
   (M)   The Manager shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as are conferred or required by this Charter, by any ordinance or resolution of the Council, or by the laws of the State of Ohio.
(Amendments approved 11-7-2000; Amendments approved 8-7-2017; Amendments approved 11-7-2023)