The Village Council hereby sets forth the following policies to govern the use of the Council Chambers by others.
   (A)   Application for use of Council Chambers.
   NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                                                                     
   DATE(S) REQUESTED                                                                                                
   TIME REQUESTED FROM                                             TO                                         
   APPLICANTS NAME (person responsible)                                                                     
   CITY                                        STATE                                        ZIP                           
   HOME PHONE                                           OFFICE PHONE                                        
   I agree to take full responsibility for my actions of my group and agree to abide by all village rules, regulations, and ordinances.
   Signature                                 Date
   (B)   Generally.
      (1)   The use of the Council Chambers is a privilege and may be withdrawn if any group fails to meet the standards set forth.
      (2)   Official village-related activities and meetings shall have first call on facilities; otherwise, assignment of facilities shall be based upon order request.
      (3)   Anyone wishing to utilize the facilities should schedule such use at least 30 days in advance with the Clerk of Council.
      (4)   A resident group is defined as a group whose membership is open to village residents, and has members who reside within the village.
      (5)   A group may be denied use of the facilities if the Village Manager deems it in the best interests of the village to do so.
      (6)   The use of public meeting areas is intended for resident groups of a private or non-profit nature only. No commercial or for-profit use is permitted.
      (7)   Each resident group is permitted to utilize the Council Chambers no more than once per month. Council Chambers is available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
      (8)   If a meeting is cancelled, the Clerk’s office must be notified at 897-8015 prior to close of business (5:00 p.m.) on the day of the meeting.
      (9)   Groups shall be responsible for leaving the facility clean, and the heat, air conditioning, lights, doors, and windows as they were when the group entered. If the facility is not returned to its pre- meeting condition, the deposit will be forfeited.
   (C)   Fees required.  
      (1)   All resident groups shall pay a non-refundable fee as set forth by the village’s fee schedule, as adopted by reference in § 36.05, payable at the time of scheduling.
      (2)   Meetings will be limited to the period of time requested above. Groups will be charged an amount as set forth in the village’s fee schedule, as adopted by reference in § 36.05, for any time it remains on the premises beyond the schedule time.
   (D)   Deposit; damages.
      (1)   In addition to the fee required in division (C) of this section, any resident group is required to deposit with the County Clerk, at the time of scheduling their first meeting, a deposit in the amount as set forth in the village’s fee schedule, as adopted by reference in § 36.05. If the room is not returned to its pre-meeting condition, the deposit shall be forfeited, and the deposit is turned over to the General Fund of the village.
      (2)   The resident group will be responsible for any replacement/repairs costs for any damages that occur during their use of the facility.
(Res. 97-134, passed 5-19-1997)