(A)   Policy approved and adopted. The following annexation policy for the village is hereby expressly approved and adopted.
   (B)   Annexation policy.
      (1)   It is the policy of the village to invite residents of Wayne Township to present petitions for annexation to the village. The village shall receive all such petitions and will act upon them consistent with the best interests of the residents of the village, the petitioner, and other affected parties.
      (2)   Most favorable consideration will be given to annexation proposals which:
         (a)   Result in economic growth and development, expansion of tax base, and creation of new jobs in the village;
         (b)   Conform to the village’s Comprehensive Plan with regard to infrastructure, land use and development policy, and development standards; and/or
         (c)   Provide essential housing, goods, services, natural and historic resources, and recreation opportunities to present and future citizens of the village.
      (3)   Interested residents are invited to contact the office of the Village Manager who will render all possible administrative assistance.
(Res. 96-110, passed 2-20-1996)