Before erecting, relocating, enlarging or substantially altering the exterior of any building, structure, wall, solid fence, or excavating for any building, foundation, sewer, water conduit, or other underground utility serving a particular use, a written application for a building permit supplied by the Fiscal Officer must be completed and submitted to the Mayor. The person, firm, company, corporation or other legal entity making application for a building permit shall furnish a scale drawing of the lot of land upon which the above mentioned construction or reconstruction shall be erected showing the dimensions of said lot of land and properly drawn to scale on said drawing of said lot of land, the proposed modification to said existing structure or proposed new construction shall be shown on said drawing. Said scale drawing shall show the side set and set back requirements as determined from the Village Zoning Rules and Regulations ordinance. The applicant shall sign the scale drawing and attest to its accuracy and truthfulness.
(Ord. 290. Passed 4-16-80.)