The historic sites commission shall have the following jurisdiction and authority:
   A.   To recommend to the village board areas to be designated historic districts, or additions to previously designated historic districts.
   B.   To consider and grant or deny certificates of appropriateness for all construction, demolition or alterations of any exterior feature of any landmark building, structure or site, or of any building, structure or site improvement within a historic district.
   C.   To review and submit findings and recommendations to the plan commission and village board on applications for allowable special uses and for zoning text amendments affecting a historic district.
   D.   To review and submit findings and recommendations to the zoning board of appeals on applications for authorized variations affecting a historic district.
   E.   To inform the residents of Wayne concerning the history and architecture of the village.
   F.   To hear and decide all matters referred to it or which it is required to consider by the zoning ordinance of this code or this title, and to exercise all further responsibilities which may be given to it by the village board.
   G.   To recommend to the village board any additional measures to protect those portions of the village that have significant historic, architectural or aesthetic features.
   H.   To represent the village by attending at least one informational or educational meeting per year, approved by the state historic preservation officer, pertaining to the work and functions of the historic sites commission or to historic preservation.
   I.   To transmit an annual report of its activities to the state historic preservation officer including the number of cases reviewed, new designations made, progress and survey activities, resumes for new commission members, attendance records, and documentation for educational and informational meetings. Such reports shall be transmitted within sixty (60) days after the end of each fiscal year.
   J.   To monitor and notify the state historic preservation officer of any actual or proposed demolition or actual or proposed major alteration affecting any property in its jurisdiction listed in the Illinois Register of Historic Places or the National Register of Historic Places, which have been provided to the commission and elected local officials by such officer.
   K.   To maintain a system to survey and inventory historic properties, in a manner consistent with, coordinated with, and complementary to those of the state. All such inventories shall be securely maintained and accessible to the public. All such inventories shall be updated periodically to reflect changes, alterations and demolitions. There shall be a building by building survey and inventory for each designated historic district.
   L.   To receive funds from federal, state and private sources for deposit in a separate account of the village to be referred to as the preservation fund, which fund shall only be loaned or expended by the historic sites commission, with the approval of the village board, for such purposes as are herein set forth. If the commission is dissolved, then any amounts remaining in the fund shall be applied by the village to further the purposes of this chapter. If any amounts remain in the fund after a period of one year following the commission's dissolution, then such funds may be applied by the village for such general purposes as it may deem appropriate, unless received pursuant to subsection 9-2-1C of this title.
   M.   To hold public hearings and recommend designation of landmarks to the village board.
   N.   To compile information and prepare descriptions of the landmarks or historic districts identified and recommended for designation, including the characteristics of each which meet the standards for designation. (Ord. 01-18, 12-4-2001)