11-7-5: STREETS:
   A.   Street Plan: The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and location of all streets shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets; to reasonable circulation of traffic within the subdivision and adjoining lands; to securing curvilinear alignments to avoid rigid gridiron patterns of blocks; to topographical conditions; to stormwater runoff; to public convenience and safety; and to proposed uses of the area to be served.
   B.   Design Standards:
      1.   Design standards shall be in accordance with this Title, or as required by Federal, State, County or Township authorities having jurisdiction, whichever has the more restrictive design standards.
      2.   Minimum right-of-way widths for minor and collector streets shall be as specified in Table 1 following subsection C9 of this Section. Frontage roads shall have a minimum right-of-way width of forty feet (40'). In keeping with the rural atmosphere which the Village seeks to encourage, the Plan Commission may recommend and the Village Board may approve right-of-way widths narrower than those specified, after due consideration for safety, estimated traffic counts and the future needs of the subdivision and surrounding area.
      3.   Should a proposed subdivision border on or contain an existing or proposed arterial street, the Plan Commission may recommend and the Village Board may require a frontage road or lots backing on such arterial street with a no-access strip easement to reduce traffic hazards.
      4.   Half streets are not permitted. Where a dedicated or platted and recorded half street already exists adjacent to the tract to be subdivided, the subdivider shall plat the other half, or the existing half right of way shall be vacated prior to final plat approval.
      5.   Street intersections and confluences shall be designed to encourage safe and efficient traffic flow and, in general, be at or near right angles avoiding acute angles. An intersection of more than two (2) streets shall be avoided unless specific conditions of design indicate otherwise.
      6.   Private streets may be required upon recommendation of the Plan Commission and approval of the Village Board. Such streets shall be constructed in accordance with the standards and requirements of this Section.
      7.   Alleys are not permitted in residential areas unless deemed necessary by the Village Board. When required, alleys shall be at least twenty feet (20') wide in residential subdivisions and at least twenty two feet (22') wide in business subdivisions.
      8.   The length of a cul-de-sac street shall be subject to approval by the Village Board with due regard for the needs of convenient access and circulation of emergency vehicles and the general public. Each cul-de-sac shall have a permanent terminus with a circular shape or such other design approved by the Village Board providing for the turnaround of vehicular traffic.
      9.   Reserve or "spite" strips controlling access to streets are not permitted.
   C.   Street Improvements: All streets shall be constructed in accordance with the following requirements:
      1.   Improvement standards for collector and minor streets shall conform to the minimum standards as specified in Table 1 following subsection C9 of this Section; pavement and other improvement standards for arterial streets or thoroughfares shall be determined by the Village Board and other highway authority as appropriate.
      2.   All pavement widths are measured edge to edge of driving surface on streets without curb and gutter. Pavement widths on streets with curb and gutter shall be measured from face of curb to face of curb.
      3.   Cul-de-sac, private and frontage streets shall be constructed to meet the improvement standards for minor streets. Circular cul-de-sac termini shall have a turnaround pavement radius of not less than fifty feet (50').
      4.   All unpaved area within the right of way shall be cleared of all stumps, rocks, trees that cannot be saved and construction debris. Drainage ditches shall be graded, top soiled to four inches (4") and seeded, (Class I minimum) or sodded in an approved manner. Drainage ditches on both sides of pavement shall be designed in accordance with IDOT standards, subject to approval of the appropriate highway authority.
      5.   Street jogs with center line offsets of less than one hundred fifty feet (150') shall be avoided.
      6.   Gravel or crushed stone shoulders and drainage ditches on both sides of pavements are required when curb and gutter are not used and shall be designed in accordance with IDOT standards. Ditches shall not be used to meet stormwater detention requirements.
      7.   The subgrade shall be prepared to conform to IDOT specifications and the typical cross section detail shown on the approved engineering plans. The subgrade shall be accepted by the Village Engineer or the appropriate highway authority, as applicable, before the gravel or crushed stone base course can be applied.
      8.   An aggregate base course conforming to IDOT specifications and the typical cross section detail shown on the approved engineering plans shall be constructed on the prepared subgrade. The base course shall be accepted by the Village Engineer or the appropriate highway authority, as applicable, before the bituminous surface can be applied.
      9.   A bituminous surface plant mix conforming to State specifications shall be constructed on the compacted base course.
Minimum right-of-way width
80 feet
60 feet
Minimum street width
24 feet
22 feet
Minimum structural member
Minimum horizontal center line
300 feet
200 feet
Minimum tangent
100 feet
50 feet
Minimum gradient
0.5 percent
0.5 percent
Maximum gradient
7.0 percent
7.0 percent
   D.   Curb And Gutter: Curb and gutters may be required along the outside edge of streets where the degree of slope exceeds seven percent (7%) or where otherwise required or approved by the Village Board. Curb and gutter shall be Portland cement and constructed pursuant to the standard design and specifications of IDOT or the appropriate highway authority.
   E.   Street Lights: Street lights shall be installed at the entrances of the subdivision, at street intersections and at such other locations as may be recommended by the Village Engineer and approved by the Village Board. The subdivider shall arrange for and pay any installation costs required by the public service company for the erection of the required street lights. Types, intensity and density of all street lights shall be subject to approval of the Village Board.
   F.   Street Signs: Street signs shall be erected so as to identify every street within the subdivision (whether private or public) and shall be designed and constructed as recommended by the Plan Commission and approved by the Village Board.
   G.   Sidewalks And Pedestrian Or Bicycle Ways; Equestrian Trails: Sidewalks or pedestrian or bicycle ways or equestrian trails may be required by the Plan Commission and shall be installed within an easement or right of way not less than twelve feet (12') in width. Sidewalks shall be concrete and at least four inches (4") thick and four feet (4') wide, with a four inch (4") aggregate base course and constructed according to IDOT specifications. The materials and surface treatment of pedestrian or bicycle ways or equestrian trails shall meet the approval of the Village Board upon recommendation of the Village Engineer.
   H.   Additional Rights-Of-Way Dedications: The Village may require dedication of additional rights of way for subdivisions abutting State or County highways to accommodate future traffic needs. (Ord. 91-21, 8-6-1991)