The engineering plans shall be prepared by an Illinois registered professional engineer and shall contain the following information:
A. Layout of the proposed subdivision at the same scale as the preliminary plat showing:
1. Finished grade at two foot (2') contours;
2. Proposed street layout including centerline elevations at one hundred foot (100') intervals, rim and invert elevations of all drainage structures and drainageway flow line elevations;
3. Septic area designation, where required;
4. Building top of foundation elevations and building site pads, where required;
5. The abandonment, incorporation or modification of all existing drain field, tile or storm sewers;
6. Proposed easements for utilities, drainageways and facilities, pedestrian and equestrian ways, landscape areas and other purposes;
7. The proposed locations of and design standards for street lights and street name signs (sodium vapor street lighting is not permitted.)
B. Roadway and drainage engineering plan and profiles which shall include:
1. Plan view of roadways, drainageways and structure; including roadway horizontal curve data. Road entrances on adjacent properties shall be shown.
2. Profiles of roadway center lines and ditch flow lines, including location and elevations of drainage structures. The grade line profile shall be shown at a minimum scale of one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100') horizontal and one inch equals ten feet (1" = 10') vertical. Complete vertical curve data shall be shown.
C. Improvement details shall be provided for:
1. Typical road cross section;
2. Typical drainageway cross section;
3. Drainage structure details;
4. Erosion control devices;
5. Improved pedestrian, bicycle and/or equestrian ways.
D. Plans, specifications and calculations for stormwater runoff control in accordance with DuPage County requirements as cited in Section 11-10-1 of this Title.
E. Floodplain information, if applicable, including the elevations of the special flood hazard area (SFHA) delineated on drawing(s) of the site with existing topography shown at a scale and contour interval as determined by the Village Engineer. At a minimum, the topographic drawings shall display the following flood data:
1. Boundary of the SFHA;
2. Boundary of the floodway, if available;
3. Proposed drainage easements;
4. The flood protection elevation for each building site.
F. Erosion and sedimentation control plan which shall include minimum criteria as follows:
1. List of type of soils as indicated on soil conservation service maps or soils report by a soils engineer;
2. Earth movement plan including approximate quantities of materials;
3. Method(s) of controlling erosion and sedimentation in accordance with standards established in this Title or other applicable Village ordinances.
G. A copy of the topographic and profile study (drainage overlay) drawn at the same scale as the final plat and containing the following information:
1. All elevations shall be referenced to National Geodetic Vertical Datum;
2. Existing contours at two foot (2') intervals indicating the locations and elevations of benchmarks used to determine said contours;
3. Finished grade elevations or contours at two foot (2') intervals of the proposed site;
4. Rim and invert elevations of all existing and proposed drainage structures within the subdivision;
5. Size, slope and location of drainage channels and/or storm sewers;
6. Size, shape, invert and location of downstream receiving drainage structures including capacities of downstream channels.
7. Signature block (see Appendix I, incorporated by reference in Section 11-1-3 of this Title).
H. Plans for private sewage disposal systems shall include evidence that the subdivider has made the preliminary tests necessary to demonstrate the feasibility of using private sewage disposal facilities and/or such other tests or information as may be required by the DuPage County Health Department or by Kane County, as applicable, except that at a minimum all tests shall be witnessed by personnel of the applicable county and at least seventy five percent (75%) of the proposed lots (100 percent for a nonresidential subdivision) must pass any required percolation or other tests prior to preliminary plat approval. If Kane County or the DuPage County Health Department provides for a greater than seventy five percent (75%) pass rate for such tests as a condition of preliminary plat approval, the most restrictive ordinance or regulation shall apply.
I. Plans for private water supply systems shall include such information as may be required by the DuPage County Health Department or by Kane County, as applicable.
J. When required, plans for community water distribution systems, community water supply facilities and community sewage collection and treatment systems shall be provided.
K. Engineer's certified estimate of cost of all required land improvements.
L. Completed engineering plan checklist. (Ord. 91-21, 8-6-1991)