A. Intent: The final engineering plan shall be in substantial conformance with the preliminary plan and shall accurately show how onsite and offsite improvements will be constructed to achieve the layout and design objectives of the preliminary plan and allow the efficient and orderly provision of roads, drainage facilities, utilities and services, including offsite improvements, as required by this Title.
B. Filing: The final engineering plan may be filed concurrently with or prior to submission of the final plat. At least four (4) copies of the final engineering plans shall be submitted to the Village Clerk. The Village Clerk shall forward the engineering plans to the Village Engineer and to such governmental authorities having jurisdiction over any improvements for their review and recommendations.
C. Review: The Village Engineer and such other officials who may have jurisdiction shall review the engineering plan for conformity with the provisions of this and other applicable ordinances. The Village Board shall not act on the final plat until it has received a written report from the Village Engineer and such other officials, if any, as to the acceptability of the engineering plan and accompanying documents. (Ord. 91-21, 8-6-1991)