A. Adopted: The Village of Wayne hereby amends and adopts a building code for control of buildings and structures as herein provided. Each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms as amended of the published international building code, 2018 Edition, are hereby referred to, adopted and made part hereof, as if fully set out in this section, subject to the additions, insertions, deletions and changes thereto as set forth in subsection B of this section. At least three (3) copies of the international building code are on file with the village clerk and are available for public inspection at all times during regular business hours as provided by law.
B. Amendments: Additions, insertions, changes and deletions to sections of the international building code are hereby revised as follows:
Subsection 101.1 Title (page 1, Name of Jurisdiction, insert in second line)
Insert: Village of Wayne.
Subsection 101.2 Scope, Exception (page 1, add to sixth line in exception)
Add: … as amended and adopted by the village of Wayne.
Subsection 101.4.1 Gas (page 1, referenced codes, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: All installations of gas piping from the point of delivery, gas appliances and related accessories shall conform to the fuel gas code.
Subsection 101.4.2 Mechanical (page 1, referenced codes, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: All installations, alterations, repairs and replacements of mechanical systems, including equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and/or appurtenances, including ventilating, heating, cooling, air-conditioning and refrigeration systems and other energy-related systems shall be in accordance with the mechanical code.
Subsection 101.4.3 Plumbing (page 1, referenced codes, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: The design, installation, alteration, repair and replacement of plumbing systems, including equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances, and where connected to a water or sewage system and all aspects of a medical gas system, shall conform to the plumbing code.
A. New and replacement plumbing fixtures to be installed shall be labeled as “Water Sense” product, as specified by USEPA.
B. Air conditioning systems installed in new construction, remodeling or equipment system replacement shall be closed system type.
C. Lavatories for public use in new construction, remodeling or fixture replacement shall be equipped with metering or self-closing faucets.
D. Car wash equipment installations in new construction, remodeling or equipment replacement shall be equipped with a water recycling system.
Subsection 101.4.4 Property Maintenance (page 1, referenced codes, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: The maintenance of existing structures and premises; equipment and facilities; light, ventilation, space heating, sanitation, life and fire safety hazards; responsibilities of owners, operators and occupants; and occupancy of existing premises and structures shall conform to the property maintenance code.
Subsection 101.4.5 Fire Prevention (page 1, referenced codes, add to end of subsection)
Add: The current provisions of the fire code where applicable.
Subsection 101.4.6 Energy (page 2, referenced codes, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: The design and construction of buildings for energy efficiency shall conform to the energy conservation code.
Subsection 101.4.7 Existing buildings (Page 2, referenced codes, delete subsection and insert – formerly Section 3412)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: Repair, alteration, change of occupancy, addition to and relocation of existing buildings shall conform to the sections of the building code and any other applicable village code and ordinance requirement for new construction.
Subsection 101.4.8 Zoning (page 2, add new subsection)
Add: Zoning - The restrictions of Title 10 (Zoning Regulations) of the Wayne Village Code and all amendments thereto, shall not be deemed to be modified by any provision of this code; and such restrictions shall be controlling except insofar as this code imposes greater restrictions by reason of the type of construction used, in which case the provisions of this code shall control.
Subsection 101.4.9Legislative (page 2, add new subsection)
Add: Legislative - If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, or shall be for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The village president and board of trustees hereby declare that they would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared invalid.
Section 103 Department of Building Safety (page 2, delete section and insert)
Delete: Entire section.
Insert: The village building department shall be charged with the enforcement of the building code, and the director of building and zoning shall also be known as the building official.
Subsection 105.1 Required (page 4, insert at end of subsection)
Insert: Any person or entity, other than a holder of a franchise agreement with the village for utilities, who intends to construct, install, alter or repair any generation, transmission, distribution or metering or related equipment or to otherwise engage in any land disturbing activity (“work”), shall first make application to the building official and obtain a construction permit for such work unless the same is subject to a permit otherwise required by this title.
As used herein, “land disturbing activity” shall mean any activity or practice, excavation or fill, alteration, removal of vegetation, or change in land use undertaken by individuals or private or public entities that affects the surface cover on the ground, or any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to construction of new roads or utilities; maintenance of underground utilities or pipelines; installation of new overhead utilities; construction of new parking lots, trails or pathways; and other mining, dredging or drilling activities. Agricultural activities, including plowing, tilling, planting and harvesting crops, planting/maintenance of native vegetation for conservation purposes, and landscaping activities shall not be included in this definition of “land disturbing activity”.
Subsection 105.2 Work Exempt from Permits (pages 4 and 5, permits section - Work Exempt from Permits, delete exemptions)
Delete: All building permit exemptions, except where approved by the director of building and zoning.
Delete: All electrical permit exemptions, except where approved by the director of building and zoning.
Delete: All gas permit exemptions, except where approved by the director of building and zoning.
Delete: All mechanical permit exemptions, except where approved by the director of building and zoning.
Delete: All plumbing permit exemptions, except where approved by the director of building and zoning.
Subsection 105.2.3 Public Service Agencies (page 5, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A permit shall not be required for the installation, alteration or repair of generation, transmission, distribution or metering or other related equipment that is under the ownership and control of persons or entities holding a franchise agreement with the village for utilities.
Subsection 105.5 Permit Expiration (page 5, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: Permit expiration shall be governed by section 8-1-6 of the Wayne village code.
Subsection 107.1 Submittal Documents (page 6, Submittal Documents, add to ninth line)
Add: Unless otherwise specified by the director of building and zoning, each application shall be accompanied by a minimum of six (6) sets of drawings and specifications signed and sealed by an architect licensed to practice architecture as provided by the Illinois architectural act, or by a structural engineer licensed to practice structural engineering as provided by the Illinois architectural act, or by the owner of said proposed building when it is determined to be sufficient by the director of building and zoning. To obtain a permit, the owner or his representative shall file an application on a form furnished by the village for that purpose, and shall include a signed statement indicating the proposed occupancy or use of all parts of the building and the estimated construction cost thereof.
Subsection 110.3.12 Final Occupancy Inspection (page 9, Final Occupancy Inspection, add to third line)
Add: No building or part thereof, hereafter erected, or the structure of which shall hereafter be altered or repaired and for which erection, alteration or repair a permit shall be required as provided in sections 105 and 106 of this building code, and no existing building in which the character of the occupancy is to be changed, shall be occupied or used in whole or in part until a certificate of occupancy shall have been issued by the director of building and zoning. Such certificate shall carry the certification of the director of building and zoning that said building or part thereof conforms to the requirements of this and any other applicable village ordinance, and that said building, construction, alteration, or repair has been substantially completed in accordance with the plans and specifications upon which the building permit required by this ordinance was issued.
Subsection 111.1.1 Change in Use (page 9, Occupancy Certificate Requirements, add to subsection 111.1)
Add: No building upon which a certificate of occupancy shall have been issued shall be used for a different classification or group occupancy until a certificate of occupancy for such different use shall have been issued by the director of building and zoning; provided, however, that no certificate of occupancy shall be issued in any event unless the occupancy or use of the building complies with Title 10 (Zoning) of the Wayne Village Code and all amendments thereto. "Change of occupancy" is not intended to mean change of tenant or proprietor, provided the new tenant is to occupy the building for a purpose, which would not involve its reclassification into a different occupancy group.
Subsection 111.3 Temporary Occupancy (page 9, Occupancy Certificate Requirements, add to subsection)
Add: A cash performance bond, or other method of surety acceptable to the director of building and zoning, shall be posted in the amount of one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the cost of the remaining work necessary for a certificate of occupancy to be issued. Completion of the incomplete work and the issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall be secured prior to the expiration date of the temporary occupancy. Failure to comply with this occupancy requirement shall constitute a violation of this ordinance which shall be punishable as provided in section 1-4-1 of the Wayne village code.
Section 113 Board of Appeals (page 10, Board of Appeals, delete section and insert)
Delete: Entire section.
Insert: Any person shall have the right to appeal a decision of the Director of Building and Zoning to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Means of appeal shall follow the requirements set forth in section 2-3-5 of the Village Code.
Subsection 116.1 Conditions (page 10, add to subsection)
Add: If any building or other structure has become dangerous to life, limb or property or to the public because of structural defects, deterioration, or fire damage, or has become so unsanitary or out of repair as to render the same unsafe and unfit for occupancy or human habitation, it shall be deemed a nuisance, and the director of building and zoning, if and when he shall find any such conditions exist, shall declare such building or other structure a nuisance and shall condemn the same, and no person, firm or corporation shall occupy, rent, lease or use such building or other structure with or without compensation. The violations of the provisions of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor, and any person, firm or corporation found guilty of a violation thereof shall be subject to a fine in the manner and amount as provided by the Wayne village code.
Subsection R116.1.1 Reconstruction or Removal (page 10, add to subsection)
Add: Rebuilding, restoration or removal must begin within five (5) days of condemnation notice. Any building or other structure condemned and declared to be a nuisance by the director of building and zoning under the provisions of subsection 116.1 hereof shall be put in a safe or sanitary condition or be demolished and removed. Within five (5) days after the service of notice in the manner and form provided in subsections 116.3 and 116.4 hereof, to make such building or other structure safe or sanitary or to remove and demolish the same, the owner or owners or the party or parties interested therein shall proceed to begin the work of making said building or other structure safe or sanitary or the work of removing and demolishing the same and shall prosecute said work continuously without unnecessary delay to a completion thereof; provided, however, that should the owner or person in possession of said building or structure deem himself aggrieved by any direction to repair or remove such building or other structure alleged by the director of building and zoning to be a nuisance, he shall, within a period of five (5) days after the giving of the notice as required by subsection 116.3 and subsection 116.4 hereof, have the right to appeal in writing in accordance with Section 113 hereof, from the decision of the director of building and zoning to the zoning board of appeals, If in the judgment of the zoning board of appeals said building or other structure is unsafe or unsanitary and should be declared a nuisance, they shall order the owner or other person in possession thereof to forthwith begin the work of making safe or sanitary or of demolishing and removing said building or other structure. After demolition of a structure, the premises shall be maintained free from all unsafe and hazardous conditions. Removal of all underground and in-ground structures is required. Restoration of established grades is required to insure proper lot drainage in compliance with village engineering regulations.
Subsection R116.3.1 Notice - Noncompliance with Notice of Unsafe Buildings (page 10, add to subsection)
Add: Upon the failure of the owners of said building or other structure, or the party or parties interested therein, within five (5) days after the service of the notice provided in subsection 116.3 hereof or upon the failure to comply with an order of the zoning board of appeals as provided in subsection 116.1 hereof to begin the work of making safe or sanitary or of removing and demolishing said building or other structure, or upon the failure of the owner or owners or the party or parties interested therein after beginning such work to proceed continuously without unnecessary delay to completion thereof, the village may take any action at law or in equity to restrain the use of such structure, or may proceed against the owner or any person in possession of the same in a penal action before a court of competent jurisdiction for the violation of the provisions of this ordinance. All court, attorney’s fees and other costs incurred by the village shall constitute a lien against the subject property and fixture until the village is fully reimbursed. The village may also, in its discretion, cause the structure to be secured to prevent access, cleaned of unsanitary conditions detrimental to the public or, in accordance with the Illinois Municipal Code, removed in its entirety, after the failure, within the time hereinabove provided for, to restore the same to a safe condition.
Subsection 116.4 Method of Service (page 10 and 11, add to subsection)
Add: Whenever the director of building and zoning shall under the provision of subsection 116.1 hereof, condemn and declare any building or other structure to be a nuisance because of dangerous or unsanitary condition thereof, he shall cause a notice in writing to be served upon the owner or owners, upon the tenant and occupant thereof, if any, and upon the holder or holders of any encumbrances or general tax lien thereof, if any, ordering and directing said building or other structure to be put in a safe or sanitary condition or be demolished and removed. Service of said notice may be effected by personal delivery thereof, or by mailing a copy thereof by registered mail directed to the person involved, at his last address known to the director of building and zoning or available to him upon examination of the records of the county treasurer and county clerk of DuPage or Kane County, Illinois, as the case might be and by posting a copy thereof upon the premises subject to such condemnation.
Subsection 116.5 Restoration (page 11, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: Reconstruction to Conform to Requirements for New Structures If Cost Exceeds 50% Of Value. A structure declared unsafe by duly constituted authority may be restored to safe condition as provided in section 116.1 hereof; provided that if the damage or cost of reconstruction or restoration is in excess of 50% of the value of the structure if reconstructed or restored, it shall be made to conform, with respect to materials and type of construction, to the requirements for new structures as provided for in this ordinance.
Section 117 Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria (page 11 - new section insert)
Ground Snow Load - 30 pounds per square foot.
Wind Speed - See IBC code section1609.
Seismic Design Category - See IBC code section 1613.
Damage From Weathering - Severe.
Frost Line Depth - Forty-two (42) inches.
Damage From Termites - Moderate to Heavy.
Damage From Decay - Slight to Moderate.
Winter Design Temperature - -4 degrees F.
Ice Shield Underlayment Required - Yes.
Flood Hazards - See current FIRM and FBFM maps.
Air Freezing Index - 1700 cumulative degree days below 32 degrees F.
Section 202 Definitions (page 14, Area, Building, change first sentence)
Change: “The area included within the surrounding exterior walls…” to “The gross area including surrounding exterior walls…” in the first sentence.
Subsection 306.3 Factory Industrial F-2 Low-Hazard Occupancy (page 47, add to end of subsection)
Add: All factory industrial uses and occupancy classified as group F-2 shall be classified as group F-1. Requirements of this ordinance and code for factory industrial group F-1 shall apply to all factory industrial use and occupancy.
Section 310.4.1 Care facilities within a dwelling (page 53, delete)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Subsection 311.3 Low-Hazard Storage, Group S-2 (page 54, add to end of subsection)
Add: All storage uses and occupancy classified as group S-2 shall be classified as group S-1. Requirements of this ordinance and code for storage group S-1 shall apply to all storage use and occupancy.
Subsection 403.1 High-Rise Buildings, Applicability (page 59, delete applicability paragraph and insert new paragraph)
Delete: Entire paragraph.
Insert: The provisions of this section shall apply to buildings having occupied floors located more than 55 feet (16,764 mm) or four or more stories above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access.
Subsection 403.3 High-Rise Buildings, Automatic Sprinkler System (page 60, delete exceptions)
Delete: Exception nos. 1 and 2.
Subsection 403.3.1 Number of Sprinkler Risers and System Design (page 60, add to end of subsection)
Add: All sprinkler systems shall be on a two (2) source water supply as approved by the building official and the local fire protection district having jurisdiction. Shut-off valves and water flow indicating devices shall be provided for each floor in compliance with fire protection district specifications.
Subsection 403.5.4 Smoke proof Enclosures (page 62, change height requirements)
Change: Floor surface height change from 75 feet (22,860 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access to 55 feet (16,764 mm) shall be a smoke proof enclosure pressurized stairway in accordance with section 909.20.4.
Subsection 404.3 Atriums - Automatic Sprinkler Protection, Exceptions (page 62, delete exceptions)
Delete: Exception nos. 1 and 2.
Subsection 405.7.2 Smoke proof Enclosure (page 64, change height requirements)
Change: serving floor levels from more than 30 feet (9,144 mm) below the level of exit discharge to any exit below the level of exit discharge serving such floor levels shall be a smoke proof enclosure and pressurized stairway in accordance with section 909.20.4.
Subsection 406.3.1 Motor-Vehicle-Related Occupancies, Classification (page 65, add to end of subsection)
Add: All motor vehicle related occupancies are to be equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system and fire alarm system.
Subsection 406.3.2.1 Dwelling Unit Separation (page 65, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: Private attached garages shall be separated from all occupancies by a U.L. listed two (2) hour rated fire-resistive ceiling assembly and wall assembly. Any openings or penetrations through a rated assembly shall be made in compliance with chapter 7.
Subsection 406.3.3 Carports (page 65, add to end of subsection)
Add: Garage and carport floor surfaces shall be improved with Portland cement concrete, 3,500 psi, not less than four (4) inches (102 mm) in thickness over compacted crushed aggregate base not less than four (4) inches (102 mm) in thickness. Vapor barrier minimum 6 mil in thickness shall be installed where living area exists above garage space. Slab reinforcement is required. Garage floor surfaces attached to habitable areas shall be provided with a six (6) inch (153 mm) concrete gas curb, above the floor surface, adjacent to the habitable area portion of the building. If building foundation extends the minimum six (6) inches above floor surface, it can serve as the gas curb.
Section 419 Live/Work Units (pages 94 and 95, delete section)
Delete: Entire section.
Subsection 502.1 Address identification (page 103, change character height line 8, add to end of subsection emergency identification system numbering)
Change: 4 inches (102 mm) to 6 inches (153mm)
Add: All new buildings and structures, and all buildings or structures which are remodeled, shall have all egress doors marked with an emergency identification system in accordance with the Fire Protection District having jurisdiction.
Section 504/Table 504.3 and 504.4 Building Height and Number of Stories (pages 104, 106 and 107 delete construction types)
Delete: Type of Construction - Type III, Type IV and Type V Construction. These types of construction are not permitted. Any reference to these construction types elsewhere in the building code are hereby deleted and not permitted.
Section 506/Table 506.2 Building Area (pages 109 and 110 delete construction types)
Delete: Type of Construction – Type III, Type IV and Type V Construction. These types of construction are not permitted. Any reference to these construction types elsewhere in the building code are hereby deleted and not permitted.
Subsection 507.3 Non-Sprinklered, One Story Buildings (page 112, delete subsection)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Subsection 507.4 Sprinklered, One Story Buildings (page 112, delete exceptions)
Delete: Exception nos. 1 and 2.
Section 601/Table 601 Fire-Resistance Rating Requirements for Building Elements (page 119 delete construction types)
Delete: Type of Construction – Type III, Type IV and Type V Construction. These types of construction are not permitted. Any reference to these construction types elsewhere in the building code are hereby deleted and not permitted.
Subsection 602.3 Construction Classification Type III (page 119, delete subsection)
Delete: Delete entire subsection. Type III construction is not permitted. Any reference to construction type III elsewhere in the building code is hereby deleted and not permitted.
Subsection 602.4 Construction Classification Type IV (pages 119 and 120, delete subsection)
Delete: Delete entire subsection. Type IV construction is not permitted. Any reference to construction type IV elsewhere in the building code is hereby deleted and not permitted.
Subsection 602.5 Construction Classification Type V (page 120, delete subsection)
Delete: Entire subsection. Type V construction is not permitted. Any reference to construction type V elsewhere in the building code is hereby deleted and not permitted.
Subsection 603.1 Allowable Materials (pages 120 and 121, delete or change listed material applications)
Change: Applications 1.1 and 1.2 – Fire-retardant-treated wood shall not be permitted in any non-bearing partitions or non-bearing exterior walls.
Change: Exception 14 – Blocking such as for handrails, millwork, cabinets, and window and door frames shall be fire-retardant-treated lumber or plywood.
Subsection 708.1 General (pages 134, Fire Partitions, add to end of subsection)
Add: 6. Walls separating tenant spaces in the same building in all occupancies.
Subsection 708.3 Fire-Resistance Rating (page 134, change hour rating, delete exceptions)
Change: "Fire partitions shall have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 hours. If an entire building is fully protected by a fire sprinkler system, fire partitions shall have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 hour."
Delete: Exception nos. 1 and 2.
Subsection 710.3 Smoke Partitions - Fire-Resistance Rating (page 136, change rating requirement)
Change: All smoke partitions shall have a minimum fire-resistance rating of one (1) hour.
Subsection 711.2.4.3 Horizontal Assemblies - Fire-Resistance Rating, Dwelling Units and sleeping units (page 137, delete exception)
Delete: Entire exception.
Subsection 718.2.1 Fire-Blocking Materials (page 155, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: Fire-blocking shall consist of 2-inch (51 mm) nominal lumber or two thicknesses of 1-inch (25 mm) nominal lumber with broken lap joints, one thickness of .625 (5/8) inch (15.8 mm) fire code gypsum board, or batts or blankets of mineral wool, mineral fiber or other approved materials installed in such a manner as to be securely retained in place.
Subsection 718.2.1.2 Fire-Blocking - Un-Faced Fiberglass (page 155, delete subsection)
Delete: Entire subsection (not permitted).
Subsection 718.3.1 Draft-Stopping Materials (page 156, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: Draft-stopping materials shall not be less than one thickness of .625 (5/8) inch (15.8 mm) fire code gypsum board or other approved materials adequately supported. The integrity of draft-stops shall be maintained.
Subsection [F] 903.2.1.1 Group A-1 (page 218, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group A-1 occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection [F] 903.2.1.2 Group A-2 (page 218, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group A-2 occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection [F] 903.2.1.3 Group A-3 (page 218, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group A-3 occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection [F] 903.2.1.4 Group A-4 (pages 218 and 219, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group A-4 occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection [F] 903.2.1.5 Group A-5 (page 219, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group A-5 occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection [F] 903.2.2 Ambulatory care facilities(page 219, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all ambulatory care facility occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection [F] 903.2.3 Group E (page 219, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group E occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection [F] 903.2.4 Group F-1 (page 219, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group F-1 occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection [F] 903.2.6 Group I (page 220, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group I occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection [F] 903.2.7 Group M (page 220, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group M occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection [F] 903.2.9 Group S-1 (page 220, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group S-1 occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection [F] 903.2.9.1 Repair Garages (page 220, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings used as repair garages in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection [F] 903.2.9.2 Bulk Storage of Tires (page 213, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: Buildings and structures utilized for the storage of tires shall be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with section 903.3.1.1 in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection [F] 903.2.10 Group S-2 Enclosed Parking Garages(pages 220, delete entire subsection)
Delete: Entire subsection (all S-2 uses to comply with S-1).
Subsection [F] 903.2.10.1 Commercial Parking Garages (page 220 and 221, add to subsection and 13, delete fourth line)
Add: Automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13
Delete: Entire fourth line ... "where the fire area exceeds 5,000 square feet (464 square meters)."
Subsection [F] 903.2.11 Specific Building Areas and Hazards (page 221, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: In all occupancies an automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed for specific building design or hazards in all locations in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection [F] 903.2.13 Group B (page 221, add new subsection)
Add: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group B occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection [F] 903.3.5.1 Domestic Services (page 223, add to end of subsection, line 4)
Add: Domestic water services and associated shut-off valves shall be separate from the water supply for the automatic sprinkler system and shall be separated on the outside of the building or structure being served with separate identified exterior shut-off valves, unless otherwise approved by the building official.
Subsection [F] 903.4 Sprinkler System Supervision and Alarms (page 224, delete exceptions 2 and 3)
Delete: Entire exception nos. 2 and 3.
Subsection [F] 903.4.1 Monitoring (page 224, delete first paragraph of subsection and insert new paragraph)
Delete: First paragraph of subsection, exceptions to remain.
Insert: Alarm, supervisory and trouble signals shall be distinctly different and automatically transmitted to Central Stations or Remote Supervisory Stations by a one-way private radio alarm system complying with Chapter 26 of the 2010 Edition of NFPA 72, which manually or automatically retransmit trouble, supervisory and full fire alarm signals.
Subsection [F] 903.6 Speculative Buildings (page 224, Automatic Sprinkler Systems, insert new subsection)
Insert: [F] 903.6 Speculative Buildings. Automatic sprinklers in speculative buildings shall be hydraulically designed for the storage of class IV commodities, as defined by NFPA 231, to the maximum available storage height in the building. The maximum available storage height in a building is the clear height dimension between the finished floor and the median point between the bottom of the high and low points of the structural members supporting the roof assembly. Automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection [F] 905.3 Standpipe Systems - Required Installations (page 227, Required Installations, add to end of subsection, line 4)
Add: The size of all standpipe fire department connections shall be two and one- half inches (21/2") in diameter and shall be national standard thread. Fire communication jacks shall be provided at all fire department standpipe connection locations and shall be tied into the building communication system. Siamese connections for standpipe and sprinkler systems shall be located no further than ten feet (10') apart and shall be readily accessible. Public water supplies, when used for the hydraulic design of sprinkler and standpipe systems, shall be adjusted to ninety percent (90%) of the actual recorded test results. At stairwells, hose connections are required at both sides of stairwell doors, one connection inside the stairwell and one connection outside the stairwell.
Subsection [F] 905.3.1 Standpipe Systems - Height (page 227, Height, change building height regulations on lines 3 and 5, and delete all exceptions)
Change: "30 feet (9144mm) above" to "15 feet (4572mm) above" and change "30 feet (9144mm) below" to "15 feet (4572mm) below".
Delete: All exceptions.
Subsection [F] 905.7 Cabinets (page 229, Standpipe Systems, add to end of paragraph)
Add: Cabinets as required shall be mounted on the floor side of stairwell doors.
Subsection [F] 907.2.1 Group A (pages 231 and 232, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group A occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection [F] 907.2.2 Group B (page 232, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group B occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection [F] 907.2.3 Group E (page 232, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group E occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection [F] 907.2.4 Group F (page 232, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group F occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection [F] 907.2.5 Group H (page 232, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group H occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection [F] 907.2.6 Group I (pages 232 and 233, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group I occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection [F] 907.2.7 Group M (pages 233 and 234, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group M occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection [F] 907.2.8 Group R-1 (page 234, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in Group R-1 occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection [F] 907.2.9 Group R-2 (pages234 and 235, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group R-2 occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection [F] 907.2.10 Group R-3, R-4 and I-1 (page 235, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group R-3, R-4 and I-1 occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection [F] 907.2.24 Group S (page 238, insert new subsection)
Insert: A fire alarm system in group S occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection [F] 907.6.4.3 Zones (page 241, insert new subsection)
Insert: Subsection [F]907.6.3.3 Zone Disconnects. All fire alarm systems shall be capable of zoned disconnects at the control panel. Disconnection of a zone shall cause the fire alarm system to transmit a trouble signal.
Subsection [F] 907.6.6 Monitoring (page 241, delete part of subsection and insert)
Delete: First paragraph of subsection, exceptions to remain.
Insert: Alarm, supervisory and trouble signals shall be distinctly different and automatically transmitted to Central Stations or remote Supervisory Stations by a one-way private radio alarm system complying with Chapter 26 of the 2010 Edition of NFPA 72, which manually or automatically retransmit trouble, supervisory and full fire alarm signals. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection [F] 910.2 Smoke and Heat Vents – Where Required (page 250, add to end of subsection paragraph, and delete exception)
Add: Buildings or portions thereof shall be provided with a mechanical smoke exhaust system in all occupancies of groups A, B, E, F, H, I, M and S having more than 30,000 square feet (2787 square meters) in floor area. Such systems shall provide three to four air exchanges per hour. All key switches shall be Knox Box style keyed to the fire protection district having jurisdiction.
Delete: All exceptions at discretion of the code official.
Subsection [F] 910.2.1 Smoke and Heat Vents – Where Required Groups F-1 And S-1 (page 250, Smoke and Heat Vents - Where Required, delete entire subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: Groups F and S. Buildings and portions thereof used as a group F, H or S occupancy having less than 30,000 square feet (2787 square meters) in floor area. Such systems shall provide three to four air exchanges per hour. All key switches shall be Knox Box style keyed to the fire protection district having jurisdiction.
Subsection 1006.2.1 Egress based on occupant load and common path of egress travel distance (page 261, add to fourth line of subsection)
Add: Where shared truck dock facilities are provided in group B, S and F in multiple tenant buildings, two exits or exit access doorways from the space shall be provided.
Subsection 1009.1 Accessible Means of Egress Required (page 265, add to end of subsection and delete exception no. 1)
Add: Accessible means of egress shall comply with the current version of the Illinois accessibility code.
Delete: Exception no. 1.
Subsection 1010.1.2.1 Direction of Swing (page 269, change occupant load in line 4)
Change: "occupant load of 50 or more" to "occupant load of more than 10 for exterior doors only. All exterior doors, doors accessing an exit enclosure, and all doors serving group H occupancy shall swing in the direction of egress travel and be provided with an approved automatic door closer. "
Subsection 1010.1.9.4 Locks and Latches (page 272, delete numbers 2, 2.1 and 2.2)
Delete: Numbers 2, 2.1 and 2.2.
Subsection 1013.3 Illumination. (Page 281, delete and insert)
Delete: First sentence
Insert: Exit signs shall be internally illuminated.
Subsection 1015.4 Guards - Opening Limitations (page 284, add to end of subsection)
Add: Required guards shall not be constructed with horizontal rails or other ornamental pattern that results in a ladder effect.
Table 1020.1 Corridor Fire-Resistance Rating (page 287, change hour ratings in table)
Change: All occupancies without sprinkler systems are "not permitted" in the third column in coordination with section 903.2, which as amended by this ordinance requires all buildings to be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with section 903.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 where allowed.
Change: All occupancies with sprinkler systems are to have 1-hour corridor fire- resistance rating in the fourth column, with no reductions in fire-resistance allowed. Exit corridors serving fire-resistance rated stairwells shall have the same fire-resistance rating as the stairwell.
Subsection 1023.11 Smoke-Proof Enclosures (page 290, add “and pressurized stairway” in line 3)
Add: “and pressurized stairway” in line 3 after smokeproof enclosures.
Subsection 1101.2 Design (page 305, add to subsection)
Add: Compliance with the current edition of the Illinois Accessibility Code is required.
Subsection 1301.1.1 Energy Efficiency - Criteria (page 327, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: Buildings shall be designed and constructed in accordance with title 8, chapter 7 of the Wayne village code.
Subsection 1807.1.3 Rubble Stone Foundation Walls (page 434, delete subsection)
Delete: Entire subsection. Rubble stone foundation walls are not permitted. Any other reference to rubble stone foundation walls in the building code is hereby deleted.
Subsection 1807.1.4 Permanent Wood Foundation Systems (page 434, delete subsection)
Delete: Entire subsection. Permanent wood foundation systems are not permitted. Any other reference to permanent wood foundation systems in the building code is hereby deleted.
Subsection 1807.1.5 Concrete and Masonry Foundation Walls (page 434, delete reference to masonry foundations)
Delete: Reference to masonry foundations. Masonry foundation walls are not permitted. Any other reference to masonry foundation walls in the building code is hereby deleted.
Subsection 1809.9 Masonry-Unit Footings (pages 443 and 444, delete subsection)
Delete: Entire subsection. Masonry-unit footings are not permitted. Any other reference to masonry-unit footings in the building code is hereby deleted.
Subsection 1809.12 Timber Footings (page 444, delete subsection)
Delete: Entire subsection. Timber footings are not permitted. Any other reference to timber footings in the building code is hereby deleted.
Subsection 1907.2 Minimum Slab Provisions Crawl Space or Under-Floor Space (page 462, insert new subsection)
Insert: Crawl space or under-floor surface shall be finished with an approved vapor barrier minimum 6-mil thick (0.15mm) under a slurry coat of concrete, minimum two (2) inches (51mm) in thickness.
Subsection 2701.1 Electrical Scope(page 583, add to subsection)
Add: The design and installation of electrical systems shall conform to section 8-1-4 (Electrical Code) of the Wayne village code.
Subsection 2801.1 Mechanical Systems Scope(page 585, add to subsection)
Add: The design and installation of mechanical systems shall conform to title 8-1-3 (Mechanical Code) of the Wayne village code.
Chapter 29 Plumbing Systems (pages 587through 590, delete chapter and insert)
Delete: Entire chapter.
Insert: The design and installation of plumbing systems shall conform to section 8-1-5 (Plumbing Code) of the Wayne village code.
Subsection 3001.3 Reference Standards (page 591, add to end of paragraph)
Add: Elevator and conveying systems shall be in conformance with state of Illinois section 140 of the elevator safety and regulation act (225 ILCS 312/140), and the administrative rules (41 Ill. adm. code 1000). Elevator and conveying systems shall comply with following standards and guidelines:
1. Safety code for elevators and escalators (ASME A17.1-2010/CSA B44-10) and performance-based safety code for elevators and escalators (ASME A17.7- 2007/CSA B44.7-07).
2. Guide for inspection of elevators, escalators, and moving walks (ASME A17.2- 2010).
3. Safety code for existing elevators and escalators (ASME A17.3-2005) upgrades required by section 35(h) of the elevator safety act shall be completed in the time frame specified therein.
4. Safety standard for platform lifts and stairway chairlifts (ASME A18.1-2008).
5. Standard for the qualification of elevator inspectors (ASME QEI-1-2010).
6. Automated people mover standard (ASCE 21-05), part 1, 2005/2006.
7. Automated people mover standards (ANSI/ASCE/T&DI 21.2-08), parts 2, 3 and 4, 2008.
Subsection 3002.4 Elevator Car to Accommodate Ambulance Stretcher (page 592, add to end of subsection)
Add: In all buildings and structures serviced by an elevator, at least one elevator shall be provided for fire department emergency access to all floors. The minimum size of an elevator car shall be 54-inch by 82-inch (1371mm by 2082mm) and shall be equipped with a side-opening door, versus a center- opening door, to accommodate the maneuvering of a 24-inch by 84-inch (610mm by 2134mm) ambulance stretcher in the horizontal open position.
Subsection [F] 3003.4 Emergency Signal Devices and Lighting (page 592, insert new subsection)
Insert: 3003.4 Emergency Signal Devices and Lighting. New and existing passenger elevator cars and freight elevator cars which are located in buildings shall provide in the car the following emergency signal devices operable from within the car in accordance with sections 211 and 204.7 of the most current edition of ANSI A17.1:
1. An electric signal bell not less than six (6) inches in diameter located inside the building and audible outside the elevator hoist-way. Only one bell is required for a group or bank of elevators if operable from all cars in the group or bank, with battery back-up power.
2. An emergency call button in each elevator car shall be connected to the central telephone emergency exchange system of the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Call buttons (red in color) are to be installed no more than forty-eight (48) inches in height as measured to the highest operable part that is essential to the basic operation of the call button.
3. All emergency lighting in elevator cars, hoist-ways and related equipment rooms shall be equipped with a battery back-up system in compliance with current village electrical code regulations.
Subsection [F] 3003.5 Smoke Detectors (page 592, Elevators and Conveying Systems, insert new subsection)
Insert: 3003.5 Smoke Detectors. Smoke detectors shall be installed in each elevator lobby at each floor, machine room and shaft/hoist-way in accordance with NFPA 72E chapter 4. The activation of a smoke detector in any elevator lobby, machine room or shaft/hoist-way other than at the designated level shall cause all cars in all groups that serve that lobby to return non-stop to the designated level.
Subsection 3102.1 Membrane Structures - General (page 599, add to subsection)
Add: The installation of a membrane structure requires village building permit.
Subsection 3103.1 Temporary Structures - General (page 600, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: The provisions of this section shall apply to structures erected for a period of less than 180 days. Structures to be in place for more than 180 days shall be considered permanent structures. Tents and other membrane structures shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Wayne village code and any other applicable codes and ordinances of the village and the fire protection district having jurisdiction. A village permit is required for any installation of any temporary or permanent structure.
Section 3106 Marquees (page 602, delete section)
Delete: Entire section. Marquees are not permitted.
Section 3107 Signs (page 602, add to section)
Add: The installation of signs shall conform to the current provisions of the Wayne village code.
Section 3109.1 Swimming Pool Enclosures and Safety Devices - General (page 603, add to section)
Add: The installation of private and public swimming pools, swimming pool enclosures and safety devices shall also conform to the current provisions of section 8-1-2-1 and title 8, chapter 5 of the Wayne village code.
Chapter 32 Encroachments into The Public Right-Of-Way (page 605, delete section)
Delete: Entire section. Encroachments into the public right-of-way are not permitted.
Chapter 35 Referenced Standards (pages 634 and 636, insert NFPA standards)
Insert: All referenced NFPA standards shall refer to the most current standards available.
Chapter 36 Driveways and Off-Street Parking Areas (new chapter) Subsection 3601: Driveway/Off-Street Parking Area Permit. No person shall hereafter alter, construct, build or establish any driveway or off-street parking area without first obtaining a village permit. Subsection 3602: Application for Permit. Application for a permit for a driveway and/or off-street parking area installation or improvement shall be filed with the director of building and zoning and shall contain the name and address of the person making the application and the name and address of the owner of the property to be served by such driveway and/or off-street parking installation or improvement, together with the proposed location and plans and specifications for such work, and payment of the Village permit and any other fees and bonding required by the Village. Subsection 3603: Approval By Director Of Building And Zoning. No permit shall be issued for any work to be done in any way about the construction of any driveway or off- street parking area installation or improvement until the plans and specifications have been submitted to and approved by the director of building and zoning.
C. Violation; Penalty:
1. It shall be unlawful to design, construct, alter, move, enlarge, replace, repair, demolish, remove, use or maintain property, buildings or structures in the village of Wayne in violation of the terms and provisions of this section.
2. Any person, firm or corporation violating the terms and provisions of this section shall be liable for a penalty in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of any unpaid fee and, in addition, shall be subject to a penalty of Seven Hundred Fifty dollars ($750.00) for each violation. Each day that a violation of this section occurs shall be deemed to be a complete and separate offense. In addition, the appropriate authorities of the village may take such other action as they deem proper to enforce the terms and provisions of this section, including, without limitation, an administrative adjudication pursuant to Section 1-4-5 of the Village Code, or an action at law or in equity to compel compliance with its terms. Any person violating the terms or provisions of this section shall be subject, in addition to the foregoing penalties, to the payment of court costs and reasonable attorney fees and any such penalties, costs, fees and other expenses incurred by the Village shall constitute a lien against the subject real property and fixtures until the Village is fully reimbursed.
D. Effect of Regulations: This section shall not be construed to extend to or affect any construction activity for which a permit was issued or application for permit filed prior to the effective date hereof, except for fees not yet due or payable, unless the director of building and zoning determines that any provisions of this section or the regulations incorporated herein by reference should be applied for reasons of public health and safety.
(Ord. 16-05, 6-7-2016; amd. Ord. 20-03, 4-21-2020)