Ord./Res. No.
Date Passed
Ord./Res. No.
Date Passed
Washington Township; Circle Drive; beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 14 in Echo View, a subdivision in the northwest quarter of Section 34, Township 16 North, 12 East; thence east 120 feet; thence south 50 feet; thence west 120 feet; thence north 50 feet to the place of beginning; containing 0.303 acre in Washington Township and being more particularly described as follows: being 120 feet long, 50 feet wide, runs in an east and west direction between Lots 14 and 15 in Echo View Subdivision in Washington Township, styled as Circle Drive
Boston Township; Kitchel; approximately one mile in length, 50 feet wide, runs in a due east and west direction between its junction with State Route 227 and its junction with Druley Road, being along the centerline of Section 35, Township 13 North, Range 1 West, in Boston Township, styled and named Kitchel Road
Dalton Township; Thornburg Road; being all that part of Thornburg Road, approximately 2,300 feet in length, beginning at the easterly right-of-way of New Indiana State Road Number 1, thence running a southwesterly direction to the northerly right-of-way of Charles Road, subject to the right of the state to use for highway purposes that portion of Thornburg Road now traversed by the right-of-way of New Indiana State Road Number 1, all as shown on the Indiana State Highway Plan S-Project Number 606 for New Indiana State Road Number 1
Harrison Township, Jacksonburg; Sugar Street; beginning at the intersection of the south line of Main Cross Street in the Town of Jacksonburg with the east line of Sugar Street and running thence south, along said east line, to the north line of South Street; thence west along said north line to the west side of Sugar Street; thence north along the west line of Sugar Street to the south line of Main Cross Street; thence east to the place of beginning, subject to all easements and restrictions
Perry Township; Beard Road; being all of that part of Beard Road, approximately 900 feet in length, beginning at the easterly right-of-way of U.S. Highway Number 35, thence running in an easterly direction to the westerly right-of-way of North Jacksonburg Road, subject to the right of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad to use for railroad purposes that portion of the Beard Road now traversed by the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad right-of-way, and subject to all easements and restrictions
Jefferson Township; Woodward Road; centerline description for vacation of part of Woodward Road; being all of the Woodward Road that exists on each side of the following described line in parts of the northwest and southwest quarters of Section 17, Township 17 North, Range 13 East, in Jefferson Township and being described as follows: beginning at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said Section 17 and running thence from said beginning point north 89 degrees 37 minutes west along the section line dividing the northwest and southwest quarters of said Section 17 (assuming the north line of the southeast quarter of said Section 17 runs east and west) 1,623.3 feet to a point at an existing gate and 65.5 feet east of the end of the existing blacktop pavement, being the end point of the proposed vacation
Jefferson Township; Woodward Road; centerline description for vacation of part of Woodward Road, being all of the Woodward Road that exists on each side of the following described line in parts of the northeast and southeast quarters of Section 17, Township 17 North, Range 13 East, in Jefferson Township and being described as follows: beginning at the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of said Section 17 and running thence from said beginning point east, along the section line dividing the northeast and southeast quarters of said Section 17 (assuming said section line runs east and west) 991 feet to a point at an existing gate and 49.7 feet west of the end of the existing blacktop pavement, being the end point of the proposed vacation
Abington Alley (2); beginning at the northeast corner of lot 21 in the Town of Abington, Abington Township, and running thence in an easterly direction to the northwest corner of Lot 22 in said town; thence in a southerly direction along the west line of Lots 22, 27 and 34 to the southwest corner of Lot 34 in said town; thence in an easterly direction along the south line of Lot 34 to the southeast corner of said lot; thence in a southerly direction to the northeast corner of Lot 39 in said town; thence in a westerly direction along the north line of Lot 39 to the northwest corner of said lot; running thence in a southerly direction along the west line of Lots 39 and 46 to the southwest corner of Lot 46 in said town; thence in a westerly direction to the southeast corner of Lot 45 in said town; thence in a northerly direction, along the west line of Lots 45 and 40 in said town to the northeast corner of Lot 40; thence in a westerly direction along the north line of Lot 40 to the northwest corner of said lot; thence in a northerly direction to the southwest corner of Lot 33 in said town; thence in a easterly direction, along the south line of Lot 33 to the southeast corner of Lot 33; running thence in a northerly direction, along the east lines of Lots 33, 28 and 21 to the place of beginning, and subject to all easements and restrictions  
Jefferson Township; Hay Tie; centerline description for vacation of part of an abandoned county road, being all of that part of an abandoned county road that did exist on each side of the following described line in part of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 17 North, Range 12 East, and the northwest quarter of Section 27, Township 17 North, Range 12 East in Jefferson Township and being described as follows: beginning at the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of said Section 27 and running thence from said beginning point west, along the section line dividing said Section 22 and Section 27 (assuming said section line runs east and west) to the northwest corner of the northwest quarter of said Section 27, being the end point of the proposed vacation; subject to the existing right-of-way easement of Old State Road One
Wayne Township; Hartman Road
(1) Part I; beginning at the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of said Section 13 and running thence from said beginning point east, along the existing road and section line dividing said northwest and southwest quarters assuming said section line runs east and west 1,403 feet to the point of the proposed vacation.
(2) Part II; beginning at a point in the east line of said northeast quarter 363 feet north of the southeast corner of said northeast quarter and running thence west parallel to the south line of said northeast quarter 1,675.5 feet to the point of the proposed vacation
Jackson Township; Monroe Road; beginning at a point in the east right-of-way line of Brick Church Road as established by the State of Indiana in Project I, No. 70-5 dated 1963, said beginning point being 1,686.30 feet north 0° 05’ 30” east, along the west line of and from the southwest corner of the south half of said fractional Section 10; thence 71.60 feet north 89° 45’ 10” east to the point of beginning; thence from said beginning point north 89° 41’ 35” east near the centerline of the pavement of said road 1,147.87 feet to a point in the centerline of said pavement; thence north 89° 32’ 28” east near the centerline of said pavement 1,088.19 feet to the point of intersection of the centerlines of a curve to the left of said pavement; thence north 77° 39’ 57” east near the centerline of said pavement 41.52 feet to a point, said point being on the northward extension of the property line dividing the lands of Howard and Delores Study and Darrell and Deborah Doerstler as described in Deed Records Book 421, Page 169, and Book 377, Page 247, in the records of the County Recorder, said point also being the beginning point of this vacation
New Garden Township; Hough Road; beginning at a point in the centerline of Hough Road, said beginning point being more particularly described as follows: commencing at a marked stone found at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said Section 26 and running thence north 89° 59’ 0” seconds west, along the north line of said southwest quarter, 485.50 feet to an iron rod found at the intersection of the north line of said southwest quarter with the centerline of Hough Road; thence south 23° 9’ 5” east along the centerline of said Hough Road, 1,008.55 feet to the beginning point of this description, and running thence, from said beginning point; south 23° 9’ 5” seconds east, along the centerline of said road, 364.0 feet, more or less, to the present west right-of-way of United States Highway Number 27 as shown on plans of United States Highway Number 27 F Project Number 402 (10), dated 1955, and the end of this vacation; this vacation being all the right-of-way on each side of the above described centerline of Hough Road
New Garden Township; North Howard Drive, South Howard Drive, Marilyn Drive; beginning at a point on the north line of North Howard Drive, and being the southwest corner of Lot Number 12 in Clark’s Acres, as recorded in Plat Book 9, page 134, in the office of the County Recorder and running thence south, 50 feet to a point on the south line of said North Howard Drive; thence west along the south line of said North Howard Drive, 148.67 feet to a point of curve to the left; thence along the south line of said North Howard Drive, and along a 50-foot radius curve to the left, a chord which bears south 41° 10’ and 30” west, a chord distance of 75.27 feet to the point of tangency of said curve on the east line of said North Howard Drive; thence south 7° 39’ 00” east; along the east line of said North Howard Drive, 262.47 feet to a point of curve to the left; thence continuing along the east line of said North Howard Drive, and along a 50-foot radius curve to the left, a chord which bears south 48° 49’ 30” east, a chord distance of 65.84 feet to the point of tangency of said curve on the north line of South Howard Drive; thence east, along the north line of said South Howard Drive, 665.48 feet to a point of curve to the left; thence continuing along the north line of said South Howard Drive, and along a 20-foot radius curve to the left, a chord which bears north 43° 00’ 00” east, a chord distance of 29.26 feet to the point of tangency of said curve on the west line of Marilyn Drive; thence north 04° 00’ and 00” west; along the west line of said Marilyn Drive, 114.01 feet to a point at the intersection of the west line of said Marilyn Drive with the extension of the south line of Howard Drive; thence east, along the extension of the south line of said Howard Drive, 71.57 feet to the point of curve to the left on the south line of said Howard Drive; thence along the south line of said Howard Drive, and along a 20-foot radius curve to the left, a chord which bears south 43° 00’ 00” west, a chord distance of 29.26 feet to a point on the east line of said Marilyn Drive; thence south 04° 00’ and 00” east, along the east line of said Marilyn Drive, 332.77 feet to a point on the south line of said Clark’s Acres; thence south 89° 9’ 00” west, along the south line of said Clark’s Acres, 50.08 feet to the intersection of the south line of said Clark’s Acres with the west line of said Marilyn Drive; thence north 04° 0’ 0” west, along the west line of said Marilyn Drive, 150.73 feet to a point on the south line of said South Howard Drive, and being a point of curve to the left; thence along a 20-foot radius curve to the left, and along the south line of said South Howard Drive, a chord which bears north 47° 0’ 0” west, a chord distance of 27.28 feet to a point of tangency of said curve; thence west, along the south line of said South Howard Drive, 671.77 feet to a point on west line of North Howard Drive, and being a point of curve to the right; thence along the west line of said North Howard Drive, and along a 100-foot radius curve to the right, a chord which bears north 48° 49’ 30” west, a chord distance of 131.67 feet to a point of tangency of said curve on the west line of said North Howard Drive; thence north 7° 39’ 0” west, along the west line of said North Howard Drive, 262.47 feet to a point of curve to the right; thence continuing along the west line of said North Howard Drive, and along a 100-foot radius curve to the right, a chord which bears, north 41° 10’ 30” east, a chord distance of 150.54 feet to a point of tangency of said curve on the north line of said North Howard Drive; thence east, along the north line of said North Howard Drive, 148.67 feet to the place of beginning; being a part of fractional Section 13, Township 17 North, Range 14 East, in New Garden Township, Wayne County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows: being a 50-foot radius cul-de-sac with said 50-foot radius point being located as follows: beginning at a point on the north line of North Howard Drive and being the southwest corner of Lot Number 12 in Clark’s Acres, as described in Plat Book 9, Page 134, in the office of the County Recorder and running thence south 60° west, 50 feet to the 50-foot radius point of said cul-de-sac, said cul-de-sac being described as follows: beginning at a point on the north line of North Howard Drive and being the southwest corner of said Lot 12, and running thence south, 50 feet to the south line of North Howard Drive at the beginning point of a 50-foot radius cul-de-sac arc to the right; thence along said 50-foot radius cul-de-sac arc to the right an arc distance of 261.80 feet to the beg inning point of this description and the terminus of said cul-de-sac
Green Township; the following described public way, being a ten- foot wide by 165- foot long portion of South Alley, located in the unincorporated community of Williamsburg, as shown on the original plat of Williamsburg and recorded on 4-12-1859 in the office of the County Recorder at Book 1, Page 405, be vacated, beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 56; thence south ten feet to the south line of the public way; thence west along the south line of the public way 165 feet; thence north ten feet to the southwest corner of Lot 56; thence east along the south line of Lot 56 165 feet, to the place of the beginning; said vacated public way shall be divided as follows: five feet shall be joined to the southern edge of Lot 56 and five feet shall be joined to the northern edge of a 0.25-acre parcel, also known as 8124 N. Centerville Road, Williamsburg, Indiana 47393
Abington Township
(1) Walnut Street; described as beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 86 and its intersection with the east right-of-way of Main Street, a.k.a. Abington Pike, and proceeding eastwardly along the north right-of-way line of Walnut Street, 340 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 85 and its intersection with the western right-of-way line of Water Street; thence southwardly along the extension of the western right-of-way line of Water Street, 50 feet to the south right-of-way line of Walnut Street; thence westwardly along the south right-of-way line of Walnut Street, 340 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 95; thence 50 feet in a northerly direction along the east right-of-way line of Main Street, a.k.a. Abington Pike, to the southwest corner of Lot 86 and the place of beginning; half of the width of said vacated street shall be joined to each abutting lot or property
(2) A portion of a ten-foot wide alley, described as beginning six feet north of the southeast corner of Lot 74 along the western edge of said alley and the east property line of Lot 74; thence in a southerly direction 138 feet along the western edge of said alley and the east property lines of Lots 74, 83 and 86 to the southeast corner of Lot 86; thence ten feet in an easterly direction along the north right-of-way line of Walnut Street, to the southwest corner of Lot 85; thence in a northerly direction 138 feet along the eastern edge of said alley and the west property lines of Lots 85, 84 and 73 to a point six feet north of the southwest comer of Lot 73, thence in a westerly direction ten feet to a point six feet north of the southeast corner of Lot 74, and the place of beginning; half of the width of said vacated alley shall be joined to each abutting lot or property
(3) A portion of a ten-foot wide alley described as beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 95; thence in a southerly direction 198 feet along the western edge of said alley and east property lines of Lots 95, 98 and 107 to the southeast corner of Lot 107; thence ten feet in an easterly direction to the southwest corner of Lot 108; thence in a northerly direction 198 feet along the eastern edge of said alley and west property lines of Lots 108, 97 and 96 to the northwest comer of Lot 96; thence ten feet in a westerly direction along the south right-of-way line of Walnut Street to the northeast corner of Lot 95 and the place of beginning; half of the width of said vacated alley shall be joined to each abutting lot or property
New Garden Township; the portion of Carlton Avenue within Cumming’s Bros. Subdivision Second Addition to be vacated as described: commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 37 in Cumming’s Bros. Subdivision Second Addition thence 155 feet, south along the west property line of Lot 37, and the east right-of-way line of Carlton Avenue, to the projected southwest corner of Lot 37, thence 50 feet west across Carlton Avenue to the projected southeast corner of Lot 73 in the Cummings Bros. Subdivision Third Addition, thence 140 feet north along the east property line of Lot 73, and the west right-of-way line of Carlton Avenue, to the northeast corner of Lot 73, thence 15 feet north to a point along the west right-of-way line of Carlton Avenue, thence 50 feet east across Carlton Avenue, following the north line of Cummings Bros. Second Addition, to the northwest corner of Lot 37 and the place of beginning
New Garden Township
(1) All platted easements that are within an area known as Cumming’s Bros. Subdivision, Third Addition, shall be vacated along with the platted public ways, consisting of all of Albany Avenue and those portions of Carlton Avenue, Cummings Drive and Hampton Drive that are within said subdivision, including the temporary culs-de-sac at the western end of Albany Avenue, Cummings Drive and Hampton Drive, as shown on the original plat of Cumming’s Bros. Subdivision, Third Addition, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder in Book 10, Page 383; half of the width of each vacated platted public way shall be joined to each abutting lot or property
(2) Exceptions:
   (a) With the exception of easements within Lots 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 41.35 feet of the east side of Lot 69 and Lots 75 and 76
   (b) With the exception of Timothy Drive
   (c) With the exception of that section of Cummings Drive commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 64 thence 50.60 feet, in a southeasterly direction, along the eastern border of Cumming’s Bros. Subdivision, Third Addition, to the northeast corner of Lot 65, thence 92.42 feet in a westerly direction along the south right-of-way line of Cummings Drive, and continuing along said line an additional 78.94 feet to a point in the south right-of-way line of Cummings Drive, thence 50.60 feet in a northerly direction to a point on the north right-of-way line of Cummings Drive, thence 6.70 feet in an easterly direction along the north right-of-way line of Cummings Drive to the southwest corner of Lot 64, and continuing along said line an additional 143.68 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 64 and the place of beginning
Center Township; the county road, located in part of the northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast quarters of Section 25, Township 16 North, Range 13 East, named Jackson Road, (a.k.a. Jackson Lane), commencing immediately north of the intersection of Colvin Road and Willow Grove Road and continuing for 0.38 of a mile until terminating; the vacation of said public way shall not vacate any recorded easement, any known or unknown easement or any prescriptive utility easement within said vacated public way
Green Township; a portion of an undeveloped, platted public way in the original plat of Williamsburg, described as a ten-foot wide alley, beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 76 in Milo Cranor’s 2nd Addition to the Town of Williamsburg, thence south 143.4 feet, along the west property lines of Lots 76 and 77, to the southwest corner of Lot 77 in said addition, thence west ten feet along the projected north right-of-way line of Sycamore Street, to the southeast corner of a 0.20 +/- acre vacant parcel, thence north 143.3 feet to the northeast corner of said vacant parcel, thence east ten feet to the place of beginning; the vacation of said public way shall not vacate any recorded easement, any known or unknown easement or any prescriptive utility easement within said vacated public way; half of the width of the vacated, platted, public way would be joined to each abutting lot or property
- -2017
Green Township; a portion of an undeveloped, platted public way in the original plat of Williamsburg, described as a ten-foot wide alley, beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 76 in Milo Cranor’s 2nd Addition to the Town of Williamsburg, thence south 143.4 feet, along the west property lines of Lots 76 and 77, to the southwest corner of Lot 77 in said addition, thence west ten feet along the projected north right-of-way line of Sycamore Street, to the southeast corner of a 0.20 +/- acre vacant parcel, thence north 143.3 feet to the northeast corner of said vacant parcel, thence east ten feet to the place of beginning, containing 0.033 acre, more or less
Webster Township; two platted public ways located in the unincorporated Town of Webster and more specifically described as a 12- foot wide, 109- foot long, north-south platted public way extending between Lots 5 and 13 and ending 14.5 feet south of the northeast corner of Lot 4 and 14.5 feet south of the northwest corner of Lot 14, also a 12-foot wide, 276-foot long east-west platted public way extending between Lots 13 and 14 and Lots 5 and 4; the vacation of said public ways shall not vacate any recorded easement, any known or unknown easement or any prescriptive utility easement within said vacated public ways; half of the width of the vacated, platted public ways will be joined to each abutting lot or property
Vacating two platted alleys in Beeson’s Addition to the unincorporated town of Franklin in Dalton Township.
Vacating an unnamed platted public way in the Town of Williamsburg.
Vacating part of two platted alleys in the Town of Webster.
Vacating part of two platted alleys and part of platted N. Cross Street in the Town of Webster.
Vacating part of two platted alleys in the Town of Webster.
Vacating part of a platted alley in the Town of Williamsburg.
   79-1   4-16-1979   Washington Township; Circle Drive; beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 14 in Echo View, a subdivision in the northwest quarter of Section 34, Township 16 North, 12 East; thence east 120 feet; thence south 50 feet; thence west 120 feet; thence north 50 feet to the place of beginning; containing 0.303 acre in Washington Township and being more particularly described as follows: being 120 feet long, 50 feet wide, runs in an east and west direction between Lots 14 and 15 in Echo View Subdivision in Washington Township, styled as Circle Drive
   80-9   4-20-1981   Boston Township; Kitchel; approximately one mile in length, 50 feet wide, runs in a due east and west direction between its junction with State Route 227 and its junction with Druley Road, being along the centerline of Section 35, Township 13 North, Range 1 West, in Boston Township, styled and named Kitchel Road
   85-2   5-13-1985   Dalton Township; Thornburg Road; being all that part of Thornburg Road, approximately 2,300 feet in length, beginning at the easterly right-of-way of New Indiana State Road Number 1, thence running a southwesterly direction to the northerly right-of-way of Charles Road, subject to the right of the state to use for highway purposes that portion of Thornburg Road now traversed by the right-of-way of New Indiana State Road Number 1, all as shown on the Indiana State Highway Plan S-Project Number 606 for New Indiana State Road Number 1
   85-4   10-14-1985   Harrison Township, Jacksonburg; Sugar Street; beginning at the intersection of the south line of Main Cross Street in the Town of Jacksonburg with the east line of Sugar Street and running thence south, along said east line, to the north line of South Street; thence west along said north line to the west side of Sugar Street; thence north along the west line of Sugar Street to the south line of Main Cross Street; thence east to the place of beginning, subject to all easements and restrictions
   85-5   10-14-1985   Perry Township; Beard Road; being all of that part of Beard Road, approximately 900 feet in length, beginning at the easterly right-of-way of U.S. Highway Number 35, thence running in an easterly direction to the westerly right-of-way of North Jacksonburg Road, subject to the right of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad to use for railroad purposes that portion of the Beard Road now traversed by the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad right-of-way, and subject to all easements and restrictions
   87-5   5-18-1987   Jefferson Township; Woodward Road; centerline description for vacation of part of Woodward Road; being all of the Woodward Road that exists on each side of the following described line in parts of the northwest and southwest quarters of Section 17, Township 17 North, Range 13 East, in Jefferson Township and being described as follows: beginning at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said Section 17 and running thence from said beginning point north 89 degrees 37 minutes west along the section line dividing the northwest and southwest quarters of said Section 17 (assuming the north line of the southeast quarter of said Section 17 runs east and west) 1,623.3 feet to a point at an existing gate and 65.5 feet east of the end of the existing blacktop pavement, being the end point of the proposed vacation
   87-6   5-18-1987   Jefferson Township; Woodward Road; centerline description for vacation of part of Woodward Road, being all of the Woodward Road that exists on each side of the following described line in parts of the northeast and southeast quarters of Section 17, Township 17 North, Range 13 East, in Jefferson Township and being described as follows: beginning at the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of said Section 17 and running thence from said beginning point east, along the section line dividing the northeast and southeast quarters of said Section 17 (assuming said section line runs east and west) 991 feet to a point at an existing gate and 49.7 feet west of the end of the existing blacktop pavement, being the end point of the proposed vacation
   87-10   6-15-1987   Abington Alley (2); beginning at the northeast corner of lot 21 in the Town of Abington, Abington Township, and running thence in an easterly direction to the northwest corner of Lot 22 in said town; thence in a southerly direction along the west line of Lots 22, 27 and 34 to the
         southwest corner of Lot 34 in said town; thence in an easterly direction along the south line of Lot 34 to the southeast corner of said lot; thence in a southerly direction to the northeast corner of Lot 39 in said town; thence in a westerly direction along the north line of Lot 39 to the northwest corner of said lot; running thence in a southerly direction along the west line of Lots 39 and 46 to the southwest corner of Lot 46 in said town; thence in a westerly direction to the southeast corner of Lot 45 in said town; thence in a northerly direction, along the west line of Lots 45 and 40 in said town to the northeast corner of Lot 40; thence in a westerly direction along the north line of Lot 40 to the northwest corner of said lot; thence in a northerly direction to the southwest corner of Lot 33 in said town; thence in a easterly direction, along the south line of Lot 33 to the southeast corner of Lot 33; running thence in a northerly direction, along the east lines of Lots 33, 28 and 21 to the place of beginning, and subject to all easements and restrictions
   87-13   11-23-1987   Jefferson Township; Hay Tie; centerline description for vacation of part of an abandoned county road, being all of that part of an abandoned county road that did exist on each side of the following described line in part of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 17 North, Range 12 East, and the northwest quarter of Section 27, Township 17 North, Range 12 East in Jefferson Township and being described as follows: beginning at the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of said Section 27 and running thence from said beginning point west, along the section line dividing said Section 22 and Section 27 (assuming said section line runs east and west) to the northwest corner of the northwest quarter of said Section 27, being the end point of the proposed vacation; subject to the existing right-of-way easement of Old State Road One
   92-1   4-1-1992   Wayne Township; Hartman Road
         (1) Part I; beginning at the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of said Section 13 and running thence from said beginning point east, along the existing road and section line dividing said northwest and southwest quarters assuming said section line runs east and west 1,403 feet to the point of the proposed vacation.
         (2) Part II; beginning at a point in the east line of said northeast quarter 363 feet north of the southeast corner of said northeast quarter and running thence west parallel to the south line of said northeast quarter 1,675.5 feet to the point of the proposed vacation
   92-2   4-1-1992   Jackson Township; Monroe Road; beginning at a point in the east right-of-way line of Brick Church Road as established by the State of Indiana in Project I, No. 70-5 dated 1963, said beginning point being 1,686.30 feet north 0° 05’ 30” east, along the west line of and from the southwest corner of the south half of said fractional Section 10; thence 71.60 feet north 89° 45’ 10” east to the point of beginning; thence from said beginning point north 89° 41’ 35” east near the centerline of the pavement of said road 1,147.87 feet to a point in the centerline of said pavement; thence north 89° 32’ 28” east near the centerline of said pavement 1,088.19 feet to the point of intersection of the centerlines of a curve to the left of said pavement; thence north 77° 39’ 57” east near the centerline of said pavement 41.52 feet to a point, said point being on the northward extension of the property line dividing the lands of Howard and Delores Study and Darrell and Deborah Doerstler as described in Deed Records Book 421, Page 169, and Book 377, Page 247, in the records of the County Recorder, said point also being the beginning point of this vacation
   93-5   3-24-1993   New Garden Township; Hough Road; beginning at a point in the centerline of Hough Road, said beginning point being more particularly described as follows: commencing at a marked stone found at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said Section 26 and running thence north 89° 59’ 0” seconds west, along the north line of said southwest quarter, 485.50 feet to an iron rod found at the intersection of the north line of said southwest quarter with the centerline of Hough Road; thence south 23° 9’ 5” east along the centerline of said Hough Road, 1,008.55 feet to the beginning point of this description, and running thence, from said beginning point; south 23° 9’ 5” seconds east, along the centerline of said road, 364.0 feet, more or less, to the present west right-of-way of United States Highway Number 27 as shown on plans of United States Highway Number 27 F Project Number 402 (10), dated 1955, and the end of this vacation; this vacation being all the right-of-way on each side of the above described centerline of Hough Road
   94-4   3-18-1994   New Garden Township; North Howard Drive, South Howard Drive, Marilyn Drive; beginning at a point on the north line of North Howard Drive, and being the southwest corner of Lot Number 12 in Clark’s Acres, as recorded in Plat Book 9, page 134, in the office of the County Recorder and running thence south, 50 feet to a point on the south
         line of said North Howard Drive; thence west along the south line of said North Howard Drive, 148.67 feet to a point of curve to the left; thence along the south line of said North Howard Drive, and along a 50-foot radius curve to the left, a chord which bears south 41° 10’ and 30” west, a chord distance of 75.27 feet to the point of tangency of said curve on the east line of said North Howard Drive; thence south 7° 39’ 00” east; along the east line of said North Howard Drive, 262.47 feet to a point of curve to the left; thence continuing along the east line of said North Howard Drive, and along a 50-foot radius curve to the left, a chord which bears south 48° 49’ 30” east, a chord distance of 65.84 feet to the point of tangency of said curve on the north line of South Howard Drive; thence east, along the north line of said South Howard Drive, 665.48 feet to a point of curve to the left; thence continuing along the north line of said South Howard Drive, and along a 20- foot radius curve to the left, a chord which bears north 43° 00’ 00” east, a chord distance of 29.26 feet to the point of tangency of said curve on the west line of Marilyn Drive; thence north 04° 00’ and 00” west; along the west line of said Marilyn Drive, 114.01 feet to a point at the intersection of the west line of said Marilyn Drive with the extension of the south line of Howard Drive; thence east, along the extension of the south line of said Howard Drive, 71.57 feet to the point of curve to the left on the south line of said Howard Drive; thence along the south line of said Howard Drive, and along a 20-foot radius curve to the left, a chord which bears south 43° 00’ 00” west, a chord distance of 29.26 feet to a point on the east line of said Marilyn Drive; thence south 04° 00’ and 00” east, along the east line of said Marilyn Drive, 332.77 feet to a point on the south line of said Clark’s Acres; thence south 89° 9’ 00”
         curve to the right, a chord which bears north 48° 49’ 30” west, a chord distance of 131.67 feet to a point of tangency of said curve on the west line of said North Howard Drive; thence north 7° 39’ 0” west, along the west line of said North Howard Drive, 262.47 feet to a point of curve to the right; thence continuing along the west line of said North Howard Drive, and along a 100-foot radius curve to the right, a chord which bears, north 41° 10’ 30” east, a chord distance of 150.54 feet to a point of tangency of said curve on the north line of said North Howard Drive; thence east, along the north line of said North Howard Drive, 148.67 feet to the place of beginning; being a part of fractional Section 13, Township 17 North, Range 14 East, in New Garden Township, Wayne County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows: being a 50-foot radius cul-de-sac with said 50-foot radius point being located as follows: beginning at a point on the north line of North Howard Drive and being the southwest corner of Lot Number 12 in Clark’s Acres, as described in Plat Book 9, Page 134, in the office of the County Recorder and running thence south 60° west, 50 feet to the 50-foot radius point of said cul-de-sac, said cul-de-sac being described as follows: beginning at a point on the north line of North Howard Drive and being the southwest corner of said Lot 12, and running thence south, 50 feet to the south line of North Howard Drive at the beginning point of a 50-foot radius cul-de-sac arc to the right; thence along said 50-foot radius cul-de-sac arc to the right an arc distance of 261.80 feet to the beg inning point of this description and the terminus of said cul-de-sac
   2011-005   9-7-2011   Green Township; the following described public way, being a ten-foot wide by 165-foot long portion of South Alley, located in the unincorporated community of Williamsburg, as shown on the original plat of Williamsburg and recorded on 4-12-1859 in the office of the County Recorder at Book 1, Page 405, be vacated, beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 56; thence south ten feet to the south line of the public way; thence west along the south line of the public way 165 feet; thence north ten feet to the southwest corner of Lot 56; thence east along the south line of Lot 56 165 feet, to the place of the beginning; said vacated public way shall be divided as follows: five feet shall be joined to the southern edge of Lot 56 and five feet shall be joined to the northern edge of a 0.25-acre parcel, also known as 8124 N. Centerville Road, Williamsburg, Indiana 47393
   2012-012   11-7-2012   Abington Township
         (1) Walnut Street; described as beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 86 and its intersection with the east right-of-way of Main Street, a.k.a. Abington Pike, and proceeding eastwardly along the north right-of-way line of Walnut Street, 340 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 85 and its intersection with the western right-of-way line of Water Street; thence southwardly along the extension of the western right-of-way line of Water Street, 50 feet to the south right-of-way line of Walnut Street; thence westwardly along the south right-of-way line of Walnut Street, 340 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 95; thence 50 feet in a northerly direction along the east right-of-way line of Main Street, a.k.a. Abington Pike, to the southwest corner of Lot 86 and the place of beginning; half of the width of said vacated street shall be joined to each abutting lot or property
         (2) A portion of a ten-foot wide alley, described as beginning six feet north of the southeast corner of Lot 74 along the western edge of said alley and the east property line of Lot 74; thence in a southerly direction 138 feet along the western edge of said alley and the east property lines of Lots 74, 83 and 86 to the southeast corner of Lot 86; thence ten feet in an easterly direction along the north right-of-way line of Walnut Street, to the southwest corner of Lot 85; thence in a northerly direction 138 feet along the eastern edge of said alley and the west property lines of Lots 85, 84 and 73 to a point six feet north of the southwest comer of Lot 73, thence in a westerly direction ten feet to a point six feet north of the southeast corner of Lot 74, and the place of beginning; half of the width of said vacated alley shall be joined to each abutting lot or property
         (3) A portion of a ten-foot wide alley described as beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 95; thence in a southerly direction 198 feet along the western edge of said alley and east property lines of Lots 95, 98 and 107 to the southeast corner of Lot 107; thence ten feet in an easterly direction to the southwest corner of Lot 108; thence in a northerly direction 198 feet along the eastern edge of said alley and west property lines of Lots 108, 97 and 96 to the northwest comer of Lot 96; thence ten feet in a westerly direction along the south right-of-way line of Walnut Street to the northeast corner of Lot 95 and the place of beginning; half of the width of said vacated alley shall be joined to each abutting lot or property
   2014-006   11-26-2014   New Garden Township; the portion of Carlton Avenue within Cumming’s Bros. Subdivision Second Addition to be vacated as described: commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 37 in Cumming’s Bros. Subdivision Second Addition thence 155 feet, south along the west property line of Lot 37, and the east right-of-way line of Carlton Avenue, to the projected southwest corner of Lot 37, thence 50 feet west across Carlton Avenue to the projected southeast corner of Lot 73 in the Cummings Bros. Subdivision Third Addition, thence 140 feet north along the east property line of Lot 73, and the west right-of-way line of Carlton Avenue, to the northeast corner of Lot 73, thence 15 feet north to a point along the west right-of-way line of Carlton Avenue, thence 50 feet east across Carlton Avenue, following the north line of Cummings Bros. Second Addition, to the northwest corner of Lot 37 and the place of beginning
   2014-008   11-26-2014   New Garden Township
         (1) All platted easements that are within an area known as Cumming’s Bros. Subdivision, Third Addition, shall be vacated along with the platted public ways, consisting of all of Albany Avenue and those portions of Carlton Avenue, Cummings Drive and Hampton Drive that are within said subdivision, including the temporary culs-de-sac at the western end of Albany Avenue, Cummings Drive and Hampton Drive, as shown on the original plat of Cumming’s Bros. Subdivision, Third Addition, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder in Book 10, Page 383; half of the width of each vacated platted public way shall be joined to each abutting lot or property
         (2) Exceptions:
            (a) With the exception of easements within Lots 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 41.35 feet of the east side of Lot 69 and Lots 75 and 76
            (b) With the exception of Timothy Drive
            (c) With the exception of that section of Cummings Drive commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 64 thence 50.60 feet, in a southeasterly direction, along the eastern border of Cumming’s Bros. Subdivision, Third Addition, to the northeast corner of Lot 65, thence 92.42 feet in a westerly direction along the south right-of-way line of Cummings Drive, and continuing along said line an additional 78.94 feet to a point in the south right-of-way line of Cummings Drive, thence 50.60 feet in a northerly direction to a point on the north right-of-way line of Cummings Drive, thence 6.70 feet in an easterly
            direction along the north right-of-way line of Cummings Drive to the southwest corner of Lot 64, and continuing along said line an additional 143.68 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 64 and the place of beginning
   2015-004   5-6-2015   Center Township; the county road, located in part of the northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast quarters of Section 25, Township 16 North, Range 13 East, named Jackson Road, (a.k.a. Jackson Lane), commencing immediately north of the intersection of Colvin Road and Willow Grove Road and continuing for 0.38 of a mile until terminating; the vacation of said public way shall not vacate any recorded easement, any known or unknown easement or any prescriptive utility easement within said vacated public way
   2016-004   4-13-2016   Green Township; a portion of an undeveloped, platted public way in the original plat of Williamsburg, described as a ten-foot wide alley, beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 76 in Milo Cranor’s 2nd Addition to the Town of Williamsburg, thence south 143.4 feet, along the west property lines of Lots 76 and 77, to the southwest corner of Lot 77 in said addition, thence west ten feet along the projected north right-of-way line of Sycamore Street, to the southeast corner of a 0.20 +/- acre vacant parcel, thence north 143.3 feet to the northeast corner of said vacant parcel, thence east ten feet to the place of beginning; the vacation of said public way shall not vacate any recorded easement, any known or unknown easement or any prescriptive utility easement within said vacated public way; half of the width of the vacated, platted, public way would be joined to each abutting lot or property
   2017-010   - -2017   Green Township; a portion of an undeveloped, platted public way in the original plat of Williamsburg, described as a ten-foot wide alley, beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 76 in Milo Cranor’s 2nd Addition to the Town of Williamsburg, thence south 143.4 feet, along the west property lines of Lots 76 and 77, to the southwest corner of Lot 77 in said addition, thence west ten feet along the projected north right-of-way line of Sycamore Street, to the southeast corner of a 0.20 +/- acre vacant parcel, thence north 143.3 feet to the northeast corner of said vacant parcel, thence east ten feet to the place of beginning, containing 0.033 acre, more or less
   2018-006   10-17-2018   Webster Township; two platted public ways located in the unincorporated Town of Webster and more specifically described as a 12-foot wide, 109-foot long, north-south platted public way extending between Lots 5 and 13 and ending 14.5 feet south of the northeast corner of Lot 4 and 14.5 feet south of the northwest corner of Lot 14, also a 12-foot wide, 276-foot long east-west platted public way extending between Lots 13 and 14 and Lots 5 and 4; the vacation of said public ways shall not vacate any recorded easement, any known or unknown easement or any prescriptive utility easement within said vacated public ways; half of the width of the vacated, platted public ways will be joined to each abutting lot or property
   2020-008   11-4-2020   Vacating two platted alleys in Beeson’s Addition to the unincorporated town of Franklin in Dalton Township.
   2021-012   12-15-2021   Vacating an unnamed platted public way in the Town of Williamsburg.
   2022-001   1-19-2022   Vacating part of two platted alleys in the Town of Webster.
   2022-008   11-16-2022   Vacating part of two platted alleys and part of platted N. Cross Street in the Town of Webster.
   2022-009   11-16-2022   Vacating part of two platted alleys in the Town of Webster.
   2023-03   5-17-2023   Vacating part of a platted alley in the Town of Williamsburg.