(A)   Purpose. The purpose of the solar energy systems siting regulations is to regulate the safe, effective, and appropriate development and production of solar-generated electricity within the jurisdiction of the Wayne County, Indiana, Advisory Plan Commission (APC) by the development of standards for solar generated energy. To achieve this goal, these regulations: a) encourage utilization of natural resources and ecologically sound energy sources; b) support Indiana's alternative energy sources potential; and c) maintain economic opportunities for local residents.
   (B)   Intent. The intent of the solar energy systems siting regulations is to provide a regulatory plan for the development, construction and operation of solar energy systems (SES) within the jurisdiction of the APC; to establish reasonable guidelines and restrictions on SES development, construction, operation, rehabilitation, and decommission (including site restoration); and to preserve the health, safety and general welfare of local residents and the general public, in accordance with the Wayne County, Indiana Comprehensive Plan.
(Ord. 2023-01, passed 4-12-2023)