(A)   The County Emergency Management Advisory Council is established by I.C. 10-14-3-17(c) and under this statute consists of the following individuals or their designees:
      (1)   The President of the Board of County Commissioners or, if the Board of County Commissioners does not have a president, a member of the Board of County Commissioners appointed from the membership of the Board of County Commissioners;
      (2)   The President of the county fiscal body;
      (3)   The Mayor of each city located in the county;
      (4)   An individual representing the legislative bodies of all towns located within the county;
      (5)   The commander of a local civil air patrol unit in the county, if civil air patrol units are located in or based in the county;
      (6)   Representatives of such private and public agencies or organizations that can be of assistance to emergency management, or as may be added from time to time by the County Emergency Management Advisory Council. The Advisory Council shall appoint these representatives. Appointed members should represent, at minimum, the following organizations:
         (a)   The Sheriff of the county;
         (b)   The County Firefighters Association;
         (c)   The County Health Department;
         (d)   Medical service providers and/or Reid Hospital;
         (e)   Community service groups;
         (f)   News media;
         (g)   Public school administration;
         (h)   Legal profession;
         (i)   Transportation; and
         (j)   Owners and operators of facilities handling hazardous materials.
      (7)   The County Emergency Management Advisory Council will elect a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson annually. The chairperson shall appoint a Recording Secretary; and
      (8)   The Advisory Council shall meet at least once quarterly.
   (B)   The powers and duties of the County Emergency Management Advisory Council are established by I.C. 10-14-3-17(d) and under this statute consist of the following.
      (1)   The Advisory Council shall exercise general supervision and control over the emergency management and disaster program of the county.
      (2)   The Advisory Council shall select, or cause to be selected, with the approval of the Board of County Commissioners, a County Emergency Management Director. The Advisory Council shall determine the qualifications of the Director. The Director shall be appointed as a full time employee of the county.
      (3)   (a)   The Advisory Council may recommend the removal of the Director to the Board of County Commissioners if the Advisory Council determines the performance of the Director to be unsatisfactory or inadequate to fulfill the Director’s responsibilities as provided in this chapter, which shall include, but may not be limited to, dereliction of duties, malfeasance in office, incompetence, insubordination, deliberate disregard of job responsibilities or physical or mental incapacity to perform required duties.
         (b)   The Board of County Commissioners may terminate the Director at any time
for cause in accordance with the provisions of the county’s personnel policy.
(Ord. 2005-007, passed 8-17-2005)