(A)   Security. For all wireless communications facility with wireless support structure, excepting attached WCF, a perimeter fence at least eight feet high shall be installed to circumscribe and contain the wireless communications facility with wireless support structure, along with all accessory structures and equipment. Use of razor wire is prohibited.
   (B)   Lighting.
      (1)   Security lighting is not required. However, if security lighting is installed it shall be confined to accessory structure(s), directed downward to minimized glare or intrusion into adjoining properties.
      (2)   Any wireless communications facility, wireless communications facility with wireless support structure or wireless support structure or antenna array that requires illumination shall meet FAA requirements. When there is a choice between red and white strobe lights on the tower, red lights with maximum intervals between flashes shall be required. All lighting shall be shielded underneath or on the bottom of the bulb, so as to reduce glare on adjoining and nearby uses.
      (3)   Other illumination is prohibited.
   (C)   Signage. Identification signage, no more than three square feet in total area, shall be required for each wireless communications facility with wireless support structure. identification signage shall include the name(s) of the facility owner(s) or operator(s) and a 24-hour emergency telephone number and shall be affixed to a perimeter fence or entrance where possible. Advertising signage is prohibited.
   (D)   Attached WCF. Attached WCF shall be appropriately integrated with, or within, existing structures with due consideration given to sitting/placement, color, camouflage, size and type of construction. Attached WCF shall be designed to minimize visual impact and antenna arrays shall not exceed the height of the existing structure by more than 20 feet.
   (E)   Color and camouflage. The Planning Director shall reserve the right to require architectural camouflage, or "stealth design," if a proposed site is deemed sensitive for any of the following reasons:
      (1)   The prospective site is located in, or within 300 feet of, property officially designated as "Historic" by the State of Indiana or is listed with the Indiana Historic Site and Structures Inventory or listed with the National Register of Historic Places.
      (2)   The prospective site lies in, or within 300 feet of a right-of-way classified as a scenic corridor by the Wayne County Comprehensive Plan or the State of Indiana.
   (F)   Health and safety.
      (1)   All wireless communications facility, wireless communications facility with wireless support structure or wireless support structure shall be constructed, operated, maintained and monitored in compliance with all applicable federal (i.e., FCC and FAA) and state standards and requirements.
      (2)   Wireless communications facility, wireless communications facility with wireless support structure or wireless support structure that would be classified as a hazard to air navigation, as defined by the Federal Aviation Administration, shall not be permitted.
(Ord. 2019-012, passed 8-21-2019)