No building, structure or land shall be erected, altered, enlarged or used which is arranged or designed for other than one of the following uses, except as provided herein and in § 156.365 of this chapter:
   (A)   Any use permitted and as regulated in the M-1 District, except as modified herein;
   (B)   Provide no part of a building occupied by such uses shall have any opening other than stationary windows or required fire exits within 100 feet of any A or R districts:
      (1)   Blacksmith, welding or other metal working shop, excluding punch presses over 20 tons rated capacity, drop hammers and other noise- producing machine-operated tools; machine shops;
      (2)   Foundry, casting lightweight non-ferrous metals or electric foundry not causing noxious fumes or odor;
      (3)   Bag, carpet, rag cleaning; provided, necessary equipment is installed and operated for the effective precipitation or recovery of dust; and
      (4)   Ice manufacturing and cold storage plant; creamery and bottling plant.
   (C)   The following uses when located not less than 200 feet from any A or R district:
      (1)   Inflammable liquids, underground storage only, not to exceed 25,000 gallons; and
      (2)   Building material sales yards including concrete mixing; lumber yards including millwork, open yards for storage, sale of feed and/or fuel and contractor’s equipment storage.
   (D)   The following uses are permitted when located not less than 300 feet from any A or R district, and not less than 100 feet from any other district:
      (1)   Acetylene manufacturing in excess of 15 pounds pressure per square inch;
      (2)   Acid manufacture;
      (3)   Asbestos manufacturing;
      (4)   Automobile assembly;
      (5)   Automobile wrecking;
      (6)   Bleaching, cleaning and dyeing plant of large scale production;
      (7)   Boiler shops, machine shops, structural steel fabricating shops, railway car or locomotive shops, including repair, metal working shops employing reciprocating hammers or presser over 20 tons’ rated capacity;
      (8)   Candle manufacturing;
      (9)   Charcoal and fuel briquettes;
      (10)   Chemicals, including carbide, caustic soda, cleaning and polishing preparations, exterminating agents, hydrogen and oxygen, industrial alcohol, nitrating of cotton or other materials, nitrates (manufactured and natural) of an explosive nature, potash, plastic materials and synthetic resins;
      (11)   Coal, coke and tar products, including gas manufacturing;
      (12)   Coal yards;
      (13)   Cooperage works;
      (14)   Dextrin, starch or glucose manufacturing;
      (15)   Disinfectant, insecticide or poison manufacturing;
      (16)   Dye and dyestuffs manufacture;
      (17)   Electric central station power and steam generating plants;
      (18)   Emery cloth or sandpaper manufacturing;
      (19)   Enameling, lacquering or japanning;
      (20)   Environmental manufacturing or processing centers;
      (21)   Felt manufacturing;
      (22)   Film, photographic;
      (23)   Flour, feed and grain milling and processing;
      (24)   Forge or foundry works;
      (25)   Gas, generation or storage for illumination or heating;
      (26)   Gelatin, glue and size, animal;
      (27)   Grain drying or poultry feed manufacturing from refuse, mash or grain;
      (28)   Hair or hair products manufacturing;
      (29)   Ink manufacturing;
      (30)   Junk yard;
      (31)   Lime or lime products manufacturing;
      (32)   Linoleum and oilcloth;
      (33)   Linoleum and oilcloth or oiled goods manufacturing;
      (34)   Magnesium foundries;
      (35)   Match manufacturing;
      (36)   Meat packing, but not including stockyards or slaughter houses;
      (37)   Metal and metal ores (except precious and rare metals), reduction, refining, smelting and alloying;
      (38)   Paint, lacquer, shellac, varnishes, linseed oil and turpentine, enamel;
      (39)   Paper and pulp manufacturing;
      (40)   Perfume manufacturing;
      (41)   Pickle, sauerkraut or sausage manufacturing;
      (42)   Plaster manufacturing;
      (43)   Poultry, slaughterhouse, including packing and storage for wholesale;
      (44)   Radium extraction;
      (45)   Sandblasting or cutting;
      (46)   Sawmill, the manufacture or excelsior, wood fiber or sawdust products;
      (47)   Shoddy manufacturing;
      (48)   Shoe blacking or polish or store polish manufacturing;
      (49)   Soaps, including fat and oil rendering;
      (50)   Starch;
      (51)   Steam power plants;
      (52)   Stone and monument works employing power-drive tools;
      (53)   Storage, drying, cleaning of iron, junk, rags, glass, cloth, paper or clipping, including sorting, refining, baling, wood pulling and scouring;
      (54)   Sugar refining;
      (55)   Tar or asphalt roofing or water-proofing manufacturing;
      (56)   Tar distillation or manufacturing;
      (57)   Vinegar manufacturing;
      (58)   Wire or rod drawing; nut, screw or bolt manufacturing;
      (59)   Wood pulp and fiber, reduction and processing, including paper mill operation; and
      (60)   Yeast manufacturing.
   (E)   Wireless communications facilities, wireless communications facility with wireless support structure and wireless support structure in accordance with the provisions of §§ 156.370 through 156.375 of this chapter.
(Ord. passed 3-10-1993; Ord. 2019-012, passed 8-21-2019)