No building, use, structure or land shall be erected, altered, enlarged or permitted which is arranged or designed for other than one of the following uses, except as provided herein and in § 156.365 of this chapter:
   (A)   Any use permitted and as regulated in the C-1 Districts, except as modified herein;
   (B)   Retail and service uses as follows:
      (1)   Ambulance service;
      (2)   Amusement establishments, including bowling alleys, pool halls, dance halls, skating rinks and other similar places of recreation;
      (3)   Art and school supply stores;
      (4)   Auction rooms;
      (5)   Auto accessory stores;
      (6)   Automobile wash;
      (7)   Automotive service station;
      (8)   Bicycle stores, including rental and repair;
      (9)   Blueprinting and photostatting;
      (10)   Catering establishments;
      (11)   Carpet, rug, and linoleum stores;
      (12)   Clothing and costume rental shops;
      (13)   Currency exchanges;
      (14)   Department stores;
      (15)   Drive-in establishment;
      (16)   Drive-in movie;
      (17)   Electrical and household appliance stores, including radio and television sales;
      (18)   Employment agencies;
      (19)   Exterminating shops;
      (20)   Flea market;
      (21)   Funeral home;
      (22)   Furniture stores, including upholstering when conducted as part of the retail operations and secondary to the principal use;
      (23)   Furrier shops, including the incidental storage and conditioning of furs;
      (24)   Hotel;
      (25)   Interior decorating shops, including upholstering and making of draperies, slip covers and other similar articles, when conducted as part of the retail operations and secondary to the principal use;
      (26)   Laundries, employing not more than four persons in addition to one owner or manager;
      (27)   Liquor stores, package goods only;
      (28)   Loan offices;
      (29)   Machinery sales rooms, with no repair or servicing, provided that storage and display of machinery, except of household appliances and office machines such as typewriters, shall be restricted to new floor samples;
      (30)   Motel;
      (31)   Musical instrument stores, including minor repairs;
      (32)   Office supply stores, including minor repairs;
      (33)   Orthopedic, medical and surgical appliance stores, not including the assembly or manufacture of such articles;
      (34)   Park, playground, game court;
      (35)   Pawn shops;
      (36)   Pet shops;
      (37)   Photograph developing and processing shops;
      (38)   Physical culture and health services, including gymnasiums, swimming pools, reducing salons, masseurs, public baths;
      (39)   Picture framing establishments, when conducted for retail trade on the premises only;
      (40)   Plumbing showrooms;
      (41)   Pool, swimming, public;
      (42)   Printing establishments for letter press, business cards, mimeographing, and other similar custom services;
      (43)   Professional activities;
      (44)   Radio and television service and repair shops;
      (45)   Restaurant, hotel and bar fixture stores;
      (46)   Restaurants, including live entertain-ment and dancing and the serving of liquor in conjunction therewith;
      (47)   Second-hand stores and rummage shops;
      (48)   Shoe stores;
      (49)   Sporting goods stores;
      (50)   Taxidermists shops;
      (51)   Telegraph offices;
      (52)   Ticket agencies, amusement;
      (53)   Toy shop;
      (54)   Travel bureaus and transportation ticket offices;
      (55)   Variety stores;
      (56)   Wearing apparel shops; and
      (57)   Environmental collection centers.
   (C)   Business and/or professional office; office buildings;
   (D)   Banks, including drive-in banks, savings and loan associations;
   (E)   Motor vehicle service station and garage, display, tire, sales and general automobile repair not including major body or fender repairs, subject to the provisions of §§ 156.395 through 156.400;
   (F)   Drive-in eating and drinking places; provided, the principal building is distant not less than 100 feet from any R district;
   (G)   Night clubs and theaters, but not within 100 feet of any R district and subject to all applicable regulations and such permits as may be required by law;
   (H)   Trade or business schools; provided, machinery which is used for instruction purposes is not objectionable due to noise, fumes, smoke, odor or vibration; photographic studios, dancing studios, radio and telecasting studios;
   (I)   Commercial recreational facility, commercial entertainment facility;
   (J)   Shopping center; and
   (K)   Wireless communications facilities, wireless communications facility with wireless support structure and wireless support structure in accordance with the provisions of §§ 156.370 through 156.375 of this chapter.
(Ord. passed 3-10-1993; Ord. 2019-012, passed 8-21-2019; Ord. 2023-02, passed 4-12-2023)